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114111 will Y1111V I LLn VJVGG VVVV`t <br />ILLI 1 GVVV i^Y•JG <br />InVG <br />0322a <br />3. Existing Flows Tributary to the <br />Industrial Drive Pump Station 112.5 GPM (PEAK FT,OVV) <br />The existing flows to this station are bzLSiness and commercial flows with <br />some businesses being in opezation on a 24 hoar a day basis, This <br />continual water usage xesults in lower peaking rates when compared to <br />residential usage; however, we are using a peaking factor of 3.6 which we <br />are of the opinion is conservative foz these flows. The average daily water <br />usage from the users in this azea is approximately 45,000 GPD. The peak <br />sewer flow is therefore estimated at 45,000 x 3,6 ~ 1440 = 112.50 GPM. <br />4. Summary of Contributory Flow to the Industrial Drive Pump Station <br />an Orange County School Pump Station 205 GPM (Peak) <br />b. STAG Project Area 69.7 GPM (Peak) <br />c. Existing Flow 112.5 GPM (Peak) <br />TOTAL PEAK FLOW <br />387.2 GPM (Peak) <br />As the existing Industrial Drive Pump Station is estimated to have a <br />pumping rate bf 437 GPM when the L. J. Rogers Pump Station is <br />reconfigured, this station has the available capacity to accept the peak <br />flows from the new Orange County School Pump Station and firm the <br />STAG project area It is also noted that the flow estimates from the <br />residential users in the STAG azea are very conservative as the average <br />residential monthly water usage in Mebane is less than 6,000 gallons pez <br />month, or 200 gallons per day. This value is almost 45% less than the <br />value used is the computations; therefore, the actual peak, flows will be <br />less than the computed peak. <br />Pzepare <br />Darrell L. ussell, P.E. <br />February 21, 2006 <br />~ 4 <br />`tee ~ ~ESStp'~G/f~ <br />4 <br />.f ~, <br />~ °Q REAL :p <br />'~: <br />~v~ <br />~''~RF~I. L. R~,:~~,~ <br />Page 4 <br />