Orange County NC Website
HLLCi W1LLIHI'IJ i"[Sx ^JJVGLGJW4 line 1 «.+u~ 14 •..+c <br />C. industrial Drive Puma Station <br />Estimate of Contributory Flow <br />it has been proposed that the L,.. J. Rogezs Pump Station be downsized to 100 <br />GPM. This results in the Indusn'ial Drive Pump Station having a pumping <br />capacity of 437 GPM when the L. J~ Rogers Pump Station is operating, <br />~ vi ,~ <br />oaua <br />The following is the estimate of contributory flow to the industrial Drive Pump <br />Station, including flows from the new Orange County Schooi and the STAG <br />Project area. <br />Oran e Coun School Pum Stafion 205 GPM (PEAK RATE) <br />This statioai was originally proposed at 220 GPM; however; it has been <br />indicated tbat it can be revised to 205 GPM and still maintain adequate <br />velocities in the 6" force main, This report is based on the assumption that <br />this station will have a final design capacity of 205 GPM. <br />2. STAG Protect Area 69.7 GPM (PEAK RATE) <br />The STAG Project includes the installation of new 8" gravity sewers in the <br />Buckhom Road area on the north and south side of Interstate 85/40 to <br />serve residents and 2 churches. There are a total of 28 existing residences, <br />38 undeveloped lots, and 2 churches to be served by the proposed sewer <br />extension, Using flow estimates provided by C;ovlter, Jewell, Thames, <br />P.A, for these users, the following estimate of peak flow is presented. <br />A. Area North of U85-40 <br />i. Houses (Existing and Undeveloped Lots) <br />48 x 360 Gal/day = 17,280 GPD (Avg. FIow) <br />ii. Churches 1,050 GPD (Avg.. Flow) <br />Total Average Daily Flow 18,330 GPD <br />iii. Peaking Factor ~- 3.96 <br />iv. Estimated Peak Flow =18,330 x 3..96 = 72,587 GPD <br />1440 = 50.4 CrPM (PEAK. FL,OV~ <br />B. Area South of U85-40 <br />i. Houses (Existing and iJndeveloped Lots) <br />l8 x 360 GaUday = 6,480 GPD (Avg. Flow) <br />ii. Peaking Factor - 4.28 <br />iv. Estimated Peak Flow = 6480 x 4.28 = 27,734 GPD <br />=1440 =19.3 GPM (PEAK) <br />C. Total Peak Flow from A, + B. = 50..4 + 19.3 = 69.7 GPM <br />Page 3 <br />