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DocuSign Envelope ID:77803446-26E8-4424-B3DD-15F947931AE8 <br /> for the BCS's proprietary Software to function properly; or, (iii) "Enhanced" if it is neither Embedded or <br /> Bundled,but merely supplements the functionality of BCS's proprietary Software. <br /> F. Installation,Training,Development,Implementation or other Fees: <br /> (i) Primary Server installation $ 1,200 <br /> Impedance Monitor installation $ 1,200 <br /> Deployment Monitor installation $ 1,200 <br /> Demand Monitor installation $ 1,200 <br /> Deployment Planner installation $ 1,200 <br /> (ii) CAD integration $10,000 <br /> Project Management $ 5,000 <br /> Total for Software Installation and configuration $21,000 <br /> G. CAD Integration—Licensee is responsible for design and implementation of revisions to the CAD system to <br /> integrate with MARVLIS software. Such integration shall meet the requirements of the MARVLIS Server <br /> Computer Aided Dispatch Integration Guide. BCS will provide support as required to expedite the integration. <br /> As with any software integration, there may be minor items that need to be modified. BCS will perform any <br /> required modifications to BCS software as necessary to improve compatibility but may request minor <br /> modifications from the CAD developers,if absolutely necessary. <br /> H. Scheduled Delivery Date—July 31,2017 <br /> 1. Payment Schedule <br /> Total of All Software Licenses and Implementation $113,100 <br /> Contract Approval: 37.5%of total contract($42,412.50) <br /> Installation of software at least one instance of each application: 37.5%of total contract($42,412.50) <br /> Successful completion of 30 day test run that indicates that <br /> the software is installed and operating as designed: 25%of total contract($28,275.00) <br /> 2. Annual Maintenance Fees(per year after the first year). <br /> The cost of software and data maintenance shall be$22,336.07 per year. There shall be no cost for the first year which is <br /> included in the purchase price of all software. Subsequent annual maintenance costs shall remain fixed at that price for <br /> seven years. <br /> B-2 <br /> CORE/0804998.0008/128897050.2 <br />