Agenda - 04-29-2002 - 3b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-29-2002
Agenda - 04-29-2002 - 3b
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Last modified
5/10/2017 12:06:38 PM
Creation date
5/10/2017 12:05:57 PM
Meeting Type
Assembly of Government
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20020429
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2002
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4 <br /> • Commercial sector already accustomed to the relatively new system started in current <br /> year <br /> • Requires no personnel changes <br /> • Likely that existing commercial garbage collection assets would be able to absorb <br /> workload increases related to continued growth in Meadowmont and Southern Village. <br /> Disadvantages <br /> • Does not reduce costs for commercial service <br /> • Does not generate significant revenues (most businesses have opted for the basic service <br /> at no fee) <br /> Option 2 —Continue present service, adding a new fee for all collection services <br /> We have developed a fee structure for fiscal 2002-03 for all service options. A basic service fee <br /> of$750 is suggested for the standard eight cubic yard container serviced once each week if the <br /> Council wishes to impose such a fee. The table of complete proposed commercial service fees is <br /> attached. If we were to make the new fee for once weekly collections effective October 1, 2002, <br /> then we calculate that the fee revenues for next year would be $390,000, which is a conservative <br /> estimate. This is based on allowing a safety factor of 25% given our experience with current <br /> revenue history. We had assumed that most businesses would need a second weekly collection, <br /> for which they would pay a fee. In fact, almost all of these businesses have opted for the one <br /> weekly collection at no fee. Accordingly, we have allowed a 25% margin for businesses to select <br /> other options, including use of private vendors. This compares to our original estimated revenue <br /> of $90,000 for next year based on present fees for extra collections. The annualized amount <br /> using the new basic service fee of$750 would be $480,000; that for nine months is $390,000 as <br /> noted above. <br /> We propose a fee of $750 because we believe it would be a reasonable price for service that <br /> would compare favorably with private sector pricing. Charging at or near our actual cost would <br /> likely allow private companies to undercut our pricing and to take over much of the local market. <br /> That would have a deleterious effect upon our revenue for the year and would, we believe, cause <br /> the waste to leave Orange County. <br /> We believe that waste collected by private companies would, for the most part, be taken to <br /> private landfills or transfer stations. Private companies that control their own disposal or <br /> handling facilities are able to take their collected waste at a much lower price than the Orange <br /> County landfill's fees. The loss of this waste would, we believe, have a negative effect on the <br /> County's solid waste operations. We also believe that the County would believe that we had <br /> failed to comply with the spirit of the interlocal agreement concerning solid waste management. <br /> That agreement stipulated that participants would send the waste under their control to the <br /> County landfill. Causing the commercial waste to leave the landfill on such short notice would <br /> create difficulties for the County in terms of programming, financing and orderly planning. <br />
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