Orange County NC Website
MANAGING PUBLIC RECORDS IN NORTH CAROLINA <br /> Q. What is this "records retention and disposition schedule"? <br /> A. This document is a tool for the employees of county governments across the state to use when managing <br /> the records in their offices. It lists records commonly found in county offices,and gives an assessment of <br /> their value by indicating when (and if)those records should be destroyed. This schedule is also an <br /> agreement between your county and the State Archives of North Carolina. <br /> This schedule serves as the inventory and schedule that the State Archives of North Carolina is directed by <br /> G.S. §121-5 (c)and G.S. §132-8 to provide. It supersedes all previous editions, including all amendments. <br /> Q. How do I get it approved? <br /> A. This schedule must be approved by the County Board of Commissioners for use in your county. That <br /> approval should be made in a regular meeting and recorded as an action in the minutes. It may be done <br /> as part of the consent agenda, by resolution,or other action. <br /> Q. Do I have to have all of the records listed on this schedule? <br /> A. No. This is not a list of records you must have in your office. <br /> Q. What is the definition of "administrative value"? <br /> A. Administrative value is defined as, "the usefulness of records to support ancillary operations and the <br /> routine management of an organization." Records having administrative value are generally considered <br /> useful or relevant to the activities that caused the record to be created and/or during an audit of those <br /> activities. Traditionally, records managers have seen "administrative value"as transitory. (From Richard <br /> Pearce-Moses,A Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology) <br /> Q. What do I do with routing slips, fax cover sheets, reference copies, <br /> memory aids, reservations and confirmations, etc.? <br /> A. According to North Carolina General Statutes§121 and§132,every document, paper, letter, map, book, <br /> photograph,film,sound recording, magnetic or other tape,electronic data processing record,artifact,or <br /> other documentary material, regardless of physical form or characteristic, made or received in connection <br /> with the transaction of public business by any state,county,municipal agency,or other political <br /> subdivision of government is considered a public record and may not be disposed of,erased,or destroyed <br /> without specific guidance from the State Archives of North Carolina. The State Archives of North Carolina <br /> recognizes that many records exist that may have very short-term value to the creating agency. These <br /> records may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of when their reference value ends. However,all public <br /> employees should be familiar with specific records retention and disposition schedules and applicable <br /> guidelines for their office and the Public Records law(G.S. §132). When in doubt about whether a record <br /> has short-term value, or whether it has special significance or importance, retain the record in question. <br /> Q. Do the standards correspond to the organizational structure of my <br /> county? <br /> A. Standards are grouped together to make it easier for users to find records. You may find that the records <br /> groupings reflect the organizational structure of your county,or you may find that records are located in <br /> various standards depending on the content of the record. The intent of the schedule's organization is to <br /> provide an easy reference guide for the records created in your county. <br /> Q. I can't find some of my records on this schedule. <br /> A. Sometimes the records are listed in a different standard than how you organize them in your office. Be <br /> sure to check the Index and utilize the"search box"function on the PDF version of the schedule. If you <br /> still cannot locate your records on the schedule,then contact the Records Management Analyst assigned <br /> iii <br />