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DocuSign Envelope ID:8F46C2BA-AC7A-464D-B01A-1E2581B55465 <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br /> IL Purpose: <br /> The purpose of this Agreement Addendum is to retain up to 0.75 FTE Audiologist,by means of hiring or <br /> contracting with an agency, to act as a Child Health Audiology Consultant (CHAC) in the north central <br /> part of North Carolina to provide support for maintaining and improving the EHDI program. This <br /> person shall act as part of the EHDI Team. Oversight of his or her EHDI program responsibilities will <br /> be carried out by State EHDI Program staff. <br /> III. Scope of Work and Deliverables: <br /> The Local Health Department shall: <br /> A. By April 1, 2017, retain up to 0.75 FTE Audiologist, by means of hiring or contracting with an <br /> agency, to perform as the Division of Public Health (DPH) Child Health Audiology Consultant <br /> (CHAC) on the EHDI team. This CHAC will be expected to meet the program requirements as <br /> determined by the DPH, Children and Youth(C&Y) Branch, EHDI program. The CHAC shall <br /> provide direct and indirect services to identify and assist children with hearing loss in the north <br /> central part of North Carolina. <br /> 1. Ensure that this CHAC has a master's degree in Audiology and current certification/licensure <br /> from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and the North Carolina Board of <br /> Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists. <br /> 2. Ensure that this CHAC works under the direct supervision of the C&Y Branch EHDI program. <br /> 3. Within five working days, notify the DPH, C&Y Branch EHDI program of any staff changes as a <br /> result of hiring/contracting and employment termination of the person designated as the CHAC. <br /> B. Ensure that the CHAC shall follow the work plan developed by State EHDI Program staff which will <br /> include, but is not limited to, the following activities: <br /> 1. Provide technical assistance to birthing facilities for hearing screening, rescreening and tracking <br /> of infants born at each facility. <br /> 2. Provide consultation and technical assistance to public and private agencies (other stakeholders) <br /> focusing on identification and intervention for children with hearing loss or communication <br /> delays. <br /> 3. Provide technical assistance regarding the WCSWeb Hearing Link, North Carolina's direct data <br /> entry and tracking system. <br /> 4. Coordinate regional educational and networking meetings about newborn hearing screening for <br /> personnel from birthing facilities and other involved stakeholders. <br /> 5. Keep track of data concerning the efficiency and effectiveness of each birthing facility in the <br /> region and intervene when a facility appears to be missing hearing screenings on children or has <br /> an excessive number of children who fail the screening. <br /> 6. Identify community resources and systems that identify and refer infants and children with <br /> suspected late onset or progressive hearing loss or communication deficits. <br /> 7. Collaborate with care managers,private providers, other local health departments, and others for <br /> the tracking of infants and children with or at risk for hearing loss. <br /> 8. Supply educational materials about hearing loss and communication delays to agencies working <br /> with families of young children. <br /> 9. Collaborate with community resources to screen children as part of special health promotion <br /> events or part of Head Start or other community mass screening initiatives. <br /> Revised July 2014 <br />