2017-152-E Health - Melynee Falk for regional audiology consulting services
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
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2017-152-E Health - Melynee Falk for regional audiology consulting services
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6/11/2018 12:20:44 PM
Creation date
5/8/2017 9:05:50 AM
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R 2017-152-E Health - Melynee Falk for regional audiology consulting services
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DocuSign Envelope ID:8F46C2BA-AC7A-464D-B01A-1 E2581 B55465 'FR§200.331 <br /> rcuci dl rwvaiu rncpui Ling ncyuii CI IICI IL WI ra -1111 uugn SCIILIC ,L L. <br /> FY17 Activity: 324 Speech and Hearing Supplement 3 <br /> Supplement reason: βx In AA+BE or AA+BE Rev βORβ β n/a <br /> CFDA U: 93.778 Federal awd date: 04/01/16 Is award R&D? no FAIN: 1605NC5ADM Total amount of federal awd: $ 104569000 <br /> Fed award <br /> project Medicaid Administration Payments <br /> CFDA Medical Assistance Progam(Medicaid:Title XIX) description: <br /> name: <br /> Fed awarding Center for Medicare and Medicaid Federal award "3m; <br /> agency: Services indirect cost rate: n/a ^;; <br /> Subrecipient Subrecipient Fed funds for Total All fed funds Subrecipient Subrecipient Fed funds for Total All fed funds <br /> DUNS this Supplement for this Activity DUNS this Supplement for this Activity <br /> Alamance 965194483 = = Jackson 019728518 = = <br /> Albemarle 130537822 0 32610 Johnston 097599104 = = <br /> Alexander 030495105 = = Jones 095116935 = = <br /> Anson 847163029 = = Lee 067439703 = = <br /> Appalachian 780131541 = = Lenoir 042789748 = = <br /> Beaufort 091567776 = = Lincoln 086869336 = = <br /> Bladen 084171628 = = Macon 070626825 = = <br /> Brunswick 091571349 = = Madison 831052873 = _ <br /> Buncombe 879203560 = = MTW 087204173 = _ <br /> Burke 883321205 = = Mecklenburg 074498353 = _ <br /> Cabarrus 143408289 = = Montgomery 025384603 = _ <br /> Caldwell 832413673 = = Moore 050988146 = _ <br /> Carteret 058735804 = = Nash 050425677 = _ <br /> Caswell 077846053 = = New Hanover 040029563 = = <br /> Catawba 083677138 = = Northampton 097594477 = = <br /> Chatham 131356607 = = Onslow 172663270 = = <br /> Cherokee 130705072 = = Orange 139209659 4611 4611 <br /> Clay 145058231 = = Pamlico 097600456 = = <br /> Cleveland 879924850 = = Pender 100955413 = = <br /> Columbus 040040016 = = Person 091563718 = _ <br /> Craven 091564294 = = Pitt 080889694 = = <br /> Cumberland 123914376 = = Randolph 027873132 = = <br /> Dare 082358631 = = Richmond 070621339 = = <br /> Davidson 077839744 = = Robeson 082367871 = = <br /> Davie 076526651 = = Rockingham 077847143 = = <br /> Duplin 095124798 = = Rowan 074494014 = = <br /> Durham 088564075 = = RPM 782359004 = = <br /> Edgeco m be 093125375 = = Sampson 825573975 = = <br /> Forsyth 105316439 -4611 10485 Scotland 091564146 = = <br /> Franklin 084168632 = = Stanly 131060829 = = <br /> Gaston 071062186 = = Stokes 085442705 = = <br /> Graham 020952383 = = Surry 077821858 = = <br /> Granville-Vance 063347626 = = Swain 146437553 = = <br /> Greene 091564591 = = Toe River 113345201 = = <br /> Guilford 071563613 = = Transylvania 030494215 = = <br /> Halifax 014305957 = = Union 079051637 = = <br /> Harnett 091565986 = = Wake 019625961 = = <br /> Haywood 070620232 = = Warren 030239953 = _ <br /> Henderson 085021470 = = Wayne 040036170 = _ <br /> Hertford 627320971 = = Wilkes 067439950 = _ <br /> Hoke 091563643 = = Wilson 075585695 = _ <br /> Hyde 832526243 = = Yadkin 089910624 = _ <br /> I rede I I 074504507 = _ <br /> DPH v1.1 12/9/15 <br />
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