Orange County NC Website
Agent for: Orange County Schools <br />P. O. Box 2386 <br />Chapel Hill, NC <br />Telephone: 919.401.8586 <br />Location: Northeast intersection of NC Highway 86 and East Storey Lane directly north of <br />Stanback Middle School. <br />Township: Chapel Hill <br />Proposal: Phase 1 will include a new classroom and office building of approximately 3,600 <br />square feet, with a future building expansion area of 2,900 square feet. A total of 50 students <br />and five staff members are anticipated to occupy the building. Phase 2 will provide four tennis <br />courts and a softball field. <br />Current Conditions <br />Zoning: Rural Residential (R1) <br />Watershed: Not in a designated protected watershed. <br />Total Tract Size: 20.8 acres (owned by Orange County Board of Education) <br />SUP Acreage (Requested): 20..8 acres <br />Current Land Use: Existing after school /community relations building in an old house is located <br />on the site. <br />Surrounding Land Uses: Stanback Middle School to the south, Stoney Creek subdivision to the <br />east, predominately undeveloped land to the north, and a church to the west on the opposite <br />side of NC 86. <br />Traffic Impact: The existing road network can adequately handle the anticipated number of <br />trips generated by the alternative school (100 or fewer trips per day). The capacity of NC 86 in <br />this area is between 12,500 (for level of service D) to 14,000 (for level of service E), while the <br />annual average daily traffic (AADT) estimated in 2004 is 8,300 north of the intersection of NC <br />86 and New Hope Church Road. This project does not require a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) <br />because the anticipated trip generation is less than 800 trips per day. <br />The North Carolina Department of Transportation District Engineer indicates that the existing <br />turn lanes on NC 86 to the entrance street for A.L. Stanback Middle School should provide <br />acceptable storage for the anticipated traffic generated by the site. The NCDOT District <br />Engineer notes that parking and turning maneuvers should be prohibited along the shared <br />driveway stem (E. Storey Lane) within 100 feet of NC 86. The site plan shows the (western) <br />driveway access for traffic exiting the alternative school site aligning with the driveway entrance <br />to A.L. Stanback Middle School, approximately 180 feet from NC 86. There is a common <br />driveway entrance to the proposed school building and the existing school /community relations <br />building farther east. The two access points allow one -way traffic operations from east to west <br />through the school site. Appropriate signage should be installed to direct traffic exiting from the <br />community relations building to yield to incoming traffic to the school. <br />Bicycle racks should be installed at the alternative school and the school /community relations <br />building and near the proposed tennis courts when Phase 2 is constructed. The site plan <br />indicates a paved walkway around the school with access to the drive. The plan should also <br />o .runpiel u!" Iii IT,I mine I " ('!dN I: 'nub Pub1tv I th,b QII{ �nruua- liPA VSrhiml %I1immrhip%ItS(WQPIbAbsLdne <br />