Agenda - 02-23-2006-abstract
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-23-2006
Agenda - 02-23-2006-abstract
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2006 S Parks - Rec - Town of Hillsborough & Orange County Regarding Planning for Fairview Park, County Parks Operations Base & Town & PW
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2006
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57 SWCC site recently agreed to extend the County's lease on a bimonthly basis until his plans <br />for future use of the site become clearer.. However, County staff are continuing to examine <br />permanent replacement options and welcome suggestions from the governing boards and the <br />community. <br />The Boards may want to hear from staffs and share any relevant information on this issue. <br />No Attachments <br />2. Planning & Inspections <br />a) Courtesy Review/Planning Process <br />Courtesy review serves to comprehensively evaluate the impacts of a development upon both <br />jurisdictions in a coordinated manner, consistent with good planning and good fiscal growth <br />management practices, Therefore, courtesy review sharing of information should be at the <br />outset of an application for annexation so the analysis (fiscal or otherwise) of bath jurisdictions <br />can collectively assess the proposal. Also, to improve public information release and reaction, <br />would be advantageous for the County to know of an impending issue because area County <br />residents will be asking questions early in the fiscal analysis process. <br />The Boards may want to discuss any issues related to current courtesy review activities as well <br />as any opportunities to improve the process far both the Town and County, <br />No Attachments <br />b) Eno Mountain Road/Mayo Street Realignment <br />Excerpt from the Executive Summary of the Access Management Awareness Project & Report <br />- Orange Grove Road -Town of Hillsborough and BOCC Orange County, NC -March, 2Q03 <br />Access management in the Orange Grove Road corridor includes recommendations fornew <br />roadway connections from Orange Grove Road to other major roads in the area as new <br />development takes place. Orange Grove Parcels show potential access points for construction <br />of new roads in the corridor to help manage congestion by limiting the points of access to the <br />corridor. The arrows also indicate where extensions of existing subdivision roads can be used <br />to connect with proposed access points and provide a road network within the area between <br />Churton Street, Orange Grove Road, Interstate 85 and Oakdale Drive. The proposed access <br />points can be used as a guide for the design of future development proposals. <br />This plan recommends that the Town pursue the realignment of Ena Mountain Road to align <br />with the intersection of Mayo Street at Orange Grove Road to resolve traffic conflicts caused by <br />the close proximity of the intersections of two urban major thoroughfares with another urban <br />major thoroughfare, That intersection would potentially warrant a traffic light. <br />The plan also recommends the extension of Orange Grove Road from Churton Street to US 70 <br />Business. That connection would provide an alternative access to the US 70 Business/NC 86 <br />corridor and alleviate congestion on Churton Street, The connection would also provide a more <br />direct route to Eno Mountain and western Hillsborough from the US 70 Business corridor, <br />
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