Orange County NC Website
/0 <br />1 EFFECTIVE APRil6, 1992 <br />2 AMENDED MARCH 15, 1994 <br />3 AMENDED AUGUST B, 1994 <br />A AMENDED: NOVEMBER 3, 1999 <br />$ AMENDED: NOVEMBER 22. 1999 <br />6 AMENDED: DECEMBER 7, 1999 <br />7 AMENDED: FEBRUARY t4, 200D <br />a AMENDED: JUNE 6, 2000 <br />9 AMENDED: MARCH 0, 2007 <br />10 AMENDED: APRIL 20. 2004 <br />11 AMENDED: APRIL t2. 2005 <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 RESOLUTION <br />is ORANGE COUNTY <br />16 APPOINTMENT AND ORIENTATION <br />17 PROCESS FOR <br />la BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />19 <br />zo WHEREAS, it is the statutory duty of the Orange County Board of Commissioners, as the <br />zl governing body of Orange County, to appoint persons to various boards and commissions to <br />zz assist in the operation of county government; and <br />23 <br />z4 WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners wants to appoint qualified, knowledgeable, and <br />zs dependable people to serve on these boards and commissions and therefore solicits the <br />z6 interest and input of the citizens of Orange County in making said appointments; and <br />z~ <br />ze WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners is of the opinion that written policies and procedures <br />z9 will increase public awareness of the various appointments that are to be made from time to <br />3 o time. <br />31 <br />3z WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners desires to increase the public's interest in the <br />33 solicitation of information and recommendations that will assist the Board in the appointment of <br />34 qualified, knowledgeable, and dependable citizens to serve on the various boards and <br />3s commissions; <br />36 <br />3 ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Orange County Board of Commissioners that the <br />3 e policies and procedures governing appointments to the various boards and commissions as <br />39 follows: <br />40 <br />41 1. Any resident of Orange County is eligible to serve on the appointed boards or <br />4z commissions of the County where such appointment is not prohibited by State statute. All <br />43 appointments will be made according to the applicable statute, ordinance, resolution or policy <br />44 that created the board or commission. Discretion will be used when considering County <br />4s employees for membership on any of the boards or commissions. Elected officials from other <br />46 jurisdictions shall not be appointed to County boards and commissions unless specifically <br />47 representing their boards in their elected capacity. <br />48 <br />H:\CLERA'sDOCUMENTS-H Drive\VOlunteer Info\vohmteerresolutionf final amended 4-12-2005. doc <br />Last printed 10:05 AM2/8/2006 <br />