Orange County NC Website
<br />Statement on the Leadership Advisory Committee for Carolina North <br />Ken Broun <br />1 thought it useful if 1 gave some additional information with regard to this committee, <br />announced by Chancellor Moeser in his letters to Mayors Foy and Chilton and Chair Jacobs. <br />The purpose of the committee is to get community input on Carolina North from as broad a range <br />of interests as possible.. 'fhe process is intended to produce a set of principles that will guide the <br />University in its preparation of plans that will be submitted to the local governing bodies in their <br />regulatory functions. It is a University committee, to be appointed by the Chancellor, because it <br />is formed for the purpose of giving infarmation to the University B not for the purpose of <br />reaching any decisions, final ar tentative, by the community=s governing bodies. <br />The Chapel Hill Town Council and the Carrboro Board of Aldermen wi Il be asked to select three <br />persons each for membership on the committee. Their appointees can, but need not be, elected <br />officials. The Orange County Board of Commissioners will select two persons. The University <br />will appoint three administrators to the committee. In addition, there will be representatives from <br />the University faculty (including faculty members who have indicatai general support for the <br />project and those who have raised questions about it), The University will also ask for <br />representation from the Chapel Hi11-Carrboro School Board, the business community, the North <br />Carolina Department of Transportation and a representative of the governor. <br />The committee will also consider the possibility of hiring a facilitator to work with it in the <br />process. It will also consider the possibility of creating subcommittees or task forces to work on <br />specific issues such as transportation, fiscal equity, housing and environmental concerns. i <br />anticipate that the work of the committee will continue throughout calendar year 2006, A report <br />to the Chancellor will be made in early 2007. <br />In addition to views of the committee members, the committee will also seek the apinians of the <br />public at large. The meetings will be open and televised if feasible. I'herc will be ample <br />opportunities for persons not nn the committee to address the committee publicly or by written or <br />electronic communication. <br />The University=s previous concept plans will be off the table for purposes of this process, <br />Whether such plans would re-emerge in the same or in modified form or would be discarded is a <br />decision that will be made by the Lhuversity administration after receiving the recommendations <br />of the committee, <br />I think I also need to make my own position clear. I have no stake in any plan for Carolina <br />North, whether developed by the University or anyone else. This project will have the most <br />significant effect of any development in Orange County since the establishment of the <br />University. My purpose in serving is to try to facilitate a process in which the final plans <br />developed by the University are developed with full knowledge of the concerns of the community <br />at large. I am receiving no compensation from any source for my work with the committee, <br />