Orange County NC Website
22 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 The cash flow analysis by Davenport under the Moody's 'pessimistic' scenario @ 3.59% shows <br /> 3 negative cash flows for Orange County starting in 2027 in perpetuity (even with the <br /> 4 renegotiated 18/82 cost sharing split between Orange & Durham). <br /> 5 <br /> 6 And that Moody's 'pessimistic' scenario is projecting growth faster than the national 2% GDP. <br /> 7 <br /> 8 And that Moody's 'pessimistic' scenario has no recession for the next 45 years. Recessions <br /> 9 typically happen - 7 years on average where the growth actually goes NEGATIVE for multiple <br /> 10 quarters (and we are long overdue). <br /> 11 <br /> 12 You remember Moody's Investment, right? The same Wall Street firm that rated junk <br /> 13 mortgages as 'investment grade' that precipitated the whole financial crisis. The same firm that <br /> 14 predicted Hillary Clinton's landslide Presidential win. Yeah, those guys! <br /> 15 <br /> 16 So, let's PLEASE move beyond the DO-LRT propaganda. <br /> 17 <br /> 18 The issue before you is NOT about the LRT technology. It's about the emerging fiscal realities <br /> 19 and unsustainable finances of the ever increasing costs of this project ... and all of the other <br /> 20 options that we will be sacrificed by committing to this single, multi-decade project. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 We need cost-effective and affordable public transit suitable for our region. <br /> 23 We need an Affordable Transit Plan for ALL. <br /> 24 Thank you for your patience, stamina and continued service <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Bob Reeber said he is a retired engineer, and he said there are existing train tracks that <br /> 27 could be used to connect towns. He said he is against LRT, and said the cost estimates are <br /> 28 only going to increase. <br /> 29 Robert David thanked the BOCC for its stamina and commitment to hearing the public <br /> 30 on this issue. He said he has spoken on this topic before, and continues to believe that the <br /> 31 costs of the LRT are too high; the LRT will serve too few; the LRT will take funds from other <br /> 32 County needs; the LRT will put the County in financial risk; and GoTriangle is not fit to manage <br /> 33 this project. He said the BOCC should look at the problems incurred in other cities that have <br /> 34 installed LRT. He said the LRT stops are all on UNC property, and does not benefit enough of <br /> 35 the County. He said he questions whether ridership will be high enough to displace traffic. He <br /> 36 is not in support of LRT <br /> 37 Cheryl Hardman said she is against light rail. <br /> 38 Rosemarie Wenzel said she is against light rail, and a major increase in property taxes. <br /> 39 David Schwartz said he is against the light rail project. He said all transportation options <br /> 40 need to be considered, and weighed carefully against each other. He said there is a lot of <br /> 41 money at stake, and that it was wise to hire Davenport to do an independent financial analysis. <br /> 42 He encouraged the BOCC to do an independent cost benefit analysis of the various public <br /> 43 transit systems, which Orange County might pursue. He said decisions should not be rushed, <br /> 44 even by the lure of federal dollars. He said the entire local business community is not behind <br /> 45 this project, and there are many people who are typically on opposite sides of arguments that <br /> 46 are standing together against the LRT. <br /> 47 Michael Wandroup said the LRT is not going to serve all of Orange County, but it is part <br /> 48 of an integrated system, which can ultimately be expanded in multiple directions. He said the <br /> 49 BOCC has the opportunity to tie land with major employment centers, and he encouraged the <br /> 50 BOCC to proceed with LRT. <br />