Agenda - 05-02-2017 - 8-a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-02-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-02-2017 - 8-a - Minutes
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4/27/2017 3:41:57 PM
Creation date
4/27/2017 4:55:50 PM
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Minutes 05-02-2017
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19 <br /> 1 the plan where the dollars are insufficient, and he is worried about start-up costs and safety. <br /> 2 He said he is in complete opposition to the LRT project. <br /> 3 Commissioner McKee said he would like to request that GoTriangle copy the BOCC on <br /> 4 its answers to Mr. Gordon's questions. <br /> 5 Molly McConnell said she has lived in Orange County for 47 years, is a public servant, <br /> 6 and a child advocate. She said the current transit plan does not serve the whole community, <br /> 7 and she does not support light rail. She said there are too many other greater needs in Orange <br /> 8 County. <br /> 9 Phil Earnhardt said Denver was in the same place as Orange County 20 years ago. He <br /> 10 said Denver's plan was analyzed in 2013, and he urged the BOCC to look at this analysis. He <br /> 11 said this plan has had huge expansions, and this is likely to continue. He urged the BOCC to <br /> 12 see the failures from Denver and Dallas, and noted that facts are stubborn things. He said he <br /> 13 cannot see a way for Orange County to avoid similar failures. He advocated that the BOCC <br /> 14 stop this project now. <br /> 15 Vijay Sivaraman said he is a Carrboro resident, a parent, and a professor at NCCU. For <br /> 16 these reasons, he fully supports the Transit plan and believes the County should forward their <br /> 17 commitment as well. As an academic, he appreciates data. As a result, he stands behind <br /> 18 TTA's data acquisition and reporting, that demonstrates that 58% are minorities, 70% are ages <br /> 19 44 or below and 95% are employed or students within our community, training to soon <br /> 20 contribute to our growing economy. The transit plan (yes with Light Rail) has been a constant <br /> 21 discussion point for many years and is the closest to implementation as it has ever been. He <br /> 22 sees this as something students can use to efficiently take courses between our hallowed <br /> 23 Academic institutions; residents can safely attend sporting events and go to work in a regular <br /> 24 and dependable manner not depending on whims of car congestion. He said he is a biologist: <br /> 25 he said he sees our cities as connected veins of narrow roadways that can barely support the <br /> 26 flow rate of our automotive traffic. Increases will likely lead to occlusion that stop access to <br /> 27 work and negatively impact our economy and lifestyle. The population growth within Orange <br /> 28 and Durham counties are staggering, and this must be supported by systems to move people <br /> 29 around efficiently. The Transit plan will provide a major step towards improving this. Finally: it is <br /> 30 well known that properties around transit stations will be increase and value and will prosper for <br /> 31 small businesses. Both Chapel Hill and Durham will enjoy these increases, which we can all <br /> 32 get behind. Let us please not be bullied by bogymen like unknown increasing costs and or <br /> 33 irrational fears of one city benefiting more than the other. Let's move forward with this plan. <br /> 34 Thank you! <br /> 35 Aaron Nelson said he is the president of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of <br /> 36 Commerce. He said their Board of Directors (BOD) voted to support the transit tax in 2012 and <br /> 37 has continued to do so. He said in this past year, the BOD has been concerned about the <br /> 38 costs, and did some research. He said after conducting this research, the BOD is still in full <br /> 39 support of the plan and the north-south corridor, contingent on the fact that Orange County's <br /> 40 portion of capital costs does not exceed 18%. He said there are risks, but they are worth it. <br /> 41 Kristen Smith is a chamber employee, and they support the plan. She reviewed a <br /> 42 summary of their Board's comments. <br /> 43 Kenneth Parker said he is a transit ambassador working in Carrboro. He spoke to the <br /> 44 importance of public transit in everyone's life. He said he supports public transit in any and all <br /> 45 forms. <br /> 46 Allen Spalt said he and his wife are here to support the light rail and BRT. He said <br /> 47 congestion is here, and it will only get worse. He said if the BOCC waits, the costs will escalate. <br /> 48 He said this is the start of a regional plan. <br /> 49 William Charles said Orange County has been a victim of hippie thinking. He said this <br /> 50 light rail plan is an abuse of all Orange County taxpayers for the next 45 years, starving the <br />
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