Agenda - 05-02-2017 - 8-a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-02-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-02-2017 - 8-a - Minutes
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4/27/2017 3:41:57 PM
Creation date
4/27/2017 4:55:50 PM
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Regular Meeting
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Minutes 05-02-2017
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17 <br /> 1 The EIS evaluates only two alternatives, the recommended DOLRT plan and a "no build" <br /> 2 alternative. The no build alternative includes existing and planned transit services proposed to <br /> 3 exist in 2040 and included in the Metropolitan Transit Plan, but not the DOLRT. The no build <br /> 4 alternative does not include any major transit investment in the Durham-Orange corridor. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Regrettably, projects such as bus rapid transit with dedicated travel lanes and expanded bus <br /> 7 service were eliminated from this evaluation. Bus rapid transit with dedicated travel lanes can <br /> 8 be built for a median cost of about one third the cost of light rail, according to the EIS. <br /> 9 GoTriangle should have compared the light rail plan with a plan using BRT and buses to serve <br /> 10 many more Orange County residents than the light rail line. Such a plan could be built more <br /> 11 quickly and at less cost, with more flexibility to respond to emerging needs and growth patterns. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Sheila Creth said this plan is not finished, and she is concerned that they are not being <br /> 14 given enough time for public input. She said she voted for the transit tax for transit, but not for <br /> 15 light rail. She said three of the stations are on the UNC property, and no one pays taxes on this <br /> 16 property. She said she is against light rail. <br /> 17 Katy Lang said she is a car-free resident of Orange County and has lived without a car <br /> 18 since 2010. She said she walks and takes the bus (GoTriangle routes 400, 405, 800, and <br /> 19 Chapel Hill Transit routes J, D, NU/NS) almost everywhere she needs to go: work, social <br /> 20 activities, community meetings, exercise classes, and errands. She said she supports the <br /> 21 Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit project. She said she is grateful that Orange County voted <br /> 22 yes for transit in 2012, and that they are already seeing the bus service improvements provided <br /> 23 for in the Bus and Rail Investment Plans — especially nighttime and Sunday service. She said <br /> 24 one of the misunderstandings about the DO-LRT project is that it will "take all the transit money" <br /> 25 away from bus to light rail, and that is not only untrue but misconstrues the benefits residents <br /> 26 are already experiencing and will continue to experience as bus improvements are made. She <br /> 27 said an integrated mass transit system must incorporate multiple modes — including bus and <br /> 28 light rail —for the greatest connectivity and mobility. She said doing nothing/the status quo is <br /> 29 not a viable solution for our growing region, and right now, our bus systems are adequate but <br /> 30 not sustainable for our future growth. She said a fixed-route transit line like the light rail has the <br /> 31 unique opportunity to position and direct development investment along its length, mitigating <br /> 32 sprawl and providing denser land uses where they are most needed: job centers, schools, <br /> 33 hospitals, and denser residential. She said this enables transit riders like herself to get around <br /> 34 more efficiently. <br /> 35 Molly DeMarco said she is in support of light rail and BRT, and this plan will help <br /> 36 people move around the County better. She said the light rail location is in the right spot as it <br /> 37 serves people, not the land. She said it is a benefit for so many, and if the BOCC walks away <br /> 38 from this plan, the federal money will go away, and starting from scratch will take years. She <br /> 39 urged the BOCC to vote in favor of this plan. <br /> 40 John Morris said the idea of light rail has drawn support, but it is important to understand <br /> 41 how drastically the plan has changed, and how the costs have increased. He said GoTriangle <br /> 42 has had to perform financial acrobats to make this plan feasible. He said the Davenport <br /> 43 analysis has told them that this will put the County's credit rating and general fund budget at <br /> 44 risk. He said the President has proposed a cease in additional funding for new starts, like the <br /> 45 LRT. He said cities all over the country are concerned about this, and the BOCC should be <br /> 46 worried too. He said the State continues to reduce or restrict funding for projects like the LRT, <br /> 47 and he doubts the State will provide the 10% that is currently promised. He encouraged the <br /> 48 BOCC to say no to LRT, and to create a better transit plan for the County. <br /> 49 Matt Clark is from Durham, and he got in a traffic jam on his way to tonight's meeting. <br /> 50 He said he was able to think about the roads while sitting in traffic. He said this area has world- <br />
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