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11 <br /> 1 Mindy Taylor said the debt would be a general fund obligation of GoTriangle, and it <br /> 2 could be repaid with any revenue that is legally available to GoTriangle. She said one of the <br /> 3 benefits of the program that GoTriangle is using for its long-term issuance, the TIFIA program, <br /> 4 is that there are lots of options for refinancing. She said there is a lot of flexibility built into the <br /> 5 program. <br /> 6 Commissioner McKee said that is not the same answer that Davenport told the BOCC a <br /> 7 couple of weeks ago. <br /> 8 Commissioner Price clarified that GoTriangle incurs the debt and is responsible for <br /> 9 paying it. She asked if the counties' taxes pay GoTriangle. <br /> 10 Mindy Taylor said those revenues are issued directly to GoTriangle by the State, as the <br /> 11 sales tax monies were approved through a referendum. She said the funds are collected in the <br /> 12 counties. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 <br /> 15 PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> 16 Ken Larsen provided a summary chart in a hand out, and on the screen, of 74 members <br /> 17 of the public speaking on light rail in the last months. He said of these speakers 70% were <br /> 18 against the plan, and 30% were for it; but all wanted a comprehensive transit plan for Orange <br /> 19 County. He said those who are against the light rail are concerned about the costs, and that it <br /> 20 will not solve the traffic issues. He said those who are in favor of light rail are not worried about <br /> 21 the costs, see growth as good, and want dense urban development along the route. <br /> 22 Maria DeBruyn provided a hand out, which she reviewed. She favors a comprehensive <br /> 23 transit plan that will serve all residents in, and all areas of, Orange County. She said she does <br /> 24 not see how LRT can achieve this, as it is expensive and limited in its reach. <br /> 25 John Hammond thanked the BOCC for their time, and provided a hand out. He said he <br /> 26 has lived here for several decades, and he fully supports the DO-LRT. He encouraged the <br /> 27 BOCC to be visionaries. <br /> 28 Jim Parker said he is a native North Carolinian, an Orange County resident and <br /> 29 business owner. He said his business in Hillsborough understands the transportation industry, <br /> 30 and is an integral part of improving the transportation infrastructure in the state. He said his <br /> 31 business supports the light rail. He said as a resident he has concerns that tax dollars not be <br /> 32 wasted on funding initiatives that would not be aligned with the goal of the taxes. He said he <br /> 33 would want to make sure that economic dollars are spent on direct economic growth. He said <br /> 34 he looks to the BOCC to govern those plans, and as a resident he supports light rail. <br /> 35 Sue Hunter thanked the BOCC for its work on this project, and asked it for its continued <br /> 36 support for light rail. She said she attended many light rail planning meetings 10 years ago, <br /> 37 and voted for the transit tax in 2012. She lives in Chapel Hill and commutes to work at Duke, <br /> 38 the largest employer in Durham County. She currently alternates between driving to work and <br /> 39 taking the 405 bus, depending on her schedule. She works in clinical research and is required <br /> 40 to meet regularly with faculty and students. She said working from home is not an option for <br /> 41 her, just as it is not for any of the clinicians working in the two large health systems in Orange <br /> 42 and Durham counties. <br /> 43 Sue Hunter said the data fully supports the proposed light rail path, connecting people to <br /> 44 the largest employers in these two counties, as well as three large local universities. She said <br /> 45 Wake County, Durham County, UNC and Duke all support commuter rail, and Orange County <br /> 46 is the lone outlier. She said she has supported this project for 10 years, and wants to see the <br /> 47 light rail built. She strongly encourages the BOCC to continue to work with Durham County to <br /> 48 negotiate down Orange County's portion of the light rail cost, and to develop a cost sharing <br /> 49 agreement for cost overruns. She said the majority of the voters approved the transit tax and <br />