Agenda - 05-02-2017 - 7-c - Bicycle Safety Task Force (BSTF) Report and Next Steps
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-02-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-02-2017 - 7-c - Bicycle Safety Task Force (BSTF) Report and Next Steps
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4/27/2017 3:42:58 PM
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4/27/2017 4:55:50 PM
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Minutes 05-02-2017
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motorists can take alternate routes. There are currently some best practices 9 <br /> for clubs and groups to consider when there are many cyclists riding together <br /> or in pace lines on the roads. There are also safety reasons for cyclists to <br /> "take the lane" which drivers may not understand. Sharing this information <br /> and getting all to respect each other is key here. (Refer to the Appendix for <br /> the detailed list.) <br /> Vi. Orange County signage and messaging that focuses on cyclist and <br /> motorist safety and respect can help educate the community. Again, using <br /> the idea that promoting as the norm the behavior we want to see, the County <br /> should be promoting positive messages and interactions. The Task Force <br /> suggests that there be a motto developed that could be used for this <br /> purpose. The BSTF suggests, "Ride Friendly, Drive Friendly"—with a graphic <br /> showing both cyclist and motorist—be adopted as the slogan. <br /> VII. Improvements to traffic signals to allow bicycles to trigger the traffic <br /> signal will keep cyclists from getting stuck at intersections with loops that do <br /> not pick up bicycles. As signals are installed, or intersections are upgraded, <br /> bike-sensitive sensors should be specified. <br /> VIII. Non-infrastructure recommendations of the adopted Safe Routes to <br /> School (SRTS) plan within the County's jurisdiction should be supported <br /> as they come up for discussion. They are closely related to bicycle safety, <br /> since making bicycling to school a safer and more appealing transportation <br /> option encourages a healthy and active lifestyle from an early age. <br /> IX. Creation of a Future Task Force to Study Infrastructure will provide the <br /> County ways to explore the creation of new infrastructure (greenways, bike <br /> lanes, etc.) and possible funding sources for it, since infrastructure was <br /> beyond the scope of this Task Force. <br />
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