Agenda - 05-02-2017 - 6-d - Award of Design-Build Agreement – Sportsplex Field House Project
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-02-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-02-2017 - 6-d - Award of Design-Build Agreement – Sportsplex Field House Project
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4/27/2017 3:37:59 PM
Creation date
4/27/2017 4:55:49 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Minutes 05-02-2017
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19 <br /> 7 <br /> ARTICLE 2. CORRELATION, INTERPRETATION AND INTENT OF CONTRACT <br /> DOCUMENTS <br /> 2.1 It is the intent of the Specifications and Drawings and other Contract Documents to describe <br /> a complete Project in accordance with the Contract Documents. <br /> 2.2 The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if <br /> called for by all. If the Design-Builder finds a conflict, error, or discrepancy in the Contract <br /> Documents, the Design-Builder shall notify the Owner's Authorized Representative in writing <br /> before proceeding with the Work affected thereby. In resolving such conflicts, errors and <br /> discrepancies, the Contract Documents shall be given preference in the following order: Design <br /> Build Contract, Modifications, Addenda, Supplementary Conditions, Specifications, and <br /> Drawings. Figure dimensions on Drawings shall govern over scale dimensions, and detailed <br /> Drawings shall govern over general Drawings. Any Work that may reasonably be inferred from <br /> the Contract Documents as being required to produce the intended result shall be supplied <br /> whether or not it is specifically called for. Work, materials or equipment described in words <br /> which, so applied, have a well-known technical trade meaning shall be deemed to refer to such <br /> meaning and to incorporate any recognized standards which are a part of such meaning if not <br /> otherwise defined within the Contract Documents. <br /> 2.2.1 The Design-Build Documents shall not be construed to create a contractual relationship of <br /> any kind: (1) between the Architect and Owner, (2) between the Owner and a Contractor or <br /> Subcontractor, or(3) between any persons or entities other than the Owner and Design-Builder, <br /> including but not limited to any consultant retained by the Owner to prepare or review the <br /> Project Criteria. <br /> 2.3 Miscellaneous items, accessories and work which are not specifically mentioned, but which <br /> are essential to produce a complete and properly operating installation, or useable structure or <br /> plant providing the indicated function shall be furnished and installed without change in the <br /> Contract Price. Such miscellaneous items and accessories shall be of the same quality <br /> standards, including material, style, finish, strength, class, weight and other applicable <br /> characteristics, as specified for the major component of which the miscellaneous item or <br /> accessory is an essential part, and shall be approved by the Owner's Authorized Representative <br /> before installation. This requirement is not intended to include major components not covered <br /> by or inferable from the Contract Documents. <br /> 2.4 The Work of all trades under the Contract Documents shall be coordinated by the Design- <br /> Builder in such a manner as to obtain the best workmanship possible for the entire Project and <br /> all components of the Work shall be installed or erected in accordance with the best practices of <br /> the particular trade. <br /> 2.5 The Design-Builder shall fully complete the Work and shall be responsible for all of the Work <br /> under the Contract Documents to which the Design Build Contract applies. If the Design-Builder <br /> is prevented from doing so by any limitation of the Contract Documents, the Design-Builder shall <br /> immediately give notice thereof to the Owner's Authorized Representative in writing. <br /> Revised 2/17 <br />
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