Agenda - 05-02-2017 - 6-d - Award of Design-Build Agreement – Sportsplex Field House Project
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-02-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-02-2017 - 6-d - Award of Design-Build Agreement – Sportsplex Field House Project
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Last modified
4/27/2017 3:37:59 PM
Creation date
4/27/2017 4:55:49 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 05-02-2017
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16 <br /> 4 <br /> 1.14 Days - Unless otherwise indicated, the term "days" shall mean consecutive calendar days. <br /> 1.15 Daylight Hours -The hours or portions of hours between sunrise and sunset local time. <br /> 1.16 Drawings -The Drawings are the graphic and pictorial portions of the Contract Documents, <br /> wherever located and whenever issued, showing the design, location, and dimensions of the <br /> Work, and generally including plans, elevations, sections, details, schedules and diagrams. A <br /> list of the Drawings is contained in the Contract Documents. <br /> 1.17 Field Order-A written order issued by the Owner's Representative which clarifies or <br /> interprets the Contract Documents or orders minor changes in the Work in accordance with the <br /> Contract Documents. See paragraph 13.2. <br /> 1.18 Final Completion -The point at which the Design-Builder has completed the Work, with the <br /> exception of guaranty and warranty obligations and as determined by the Designer and <br /> becomes entitled to final payment upon the recommendation of the Designer and determination <br /> by the Owner. <br /> 1.19 The words "furnish," "furnish and install," "install," and "provide" or words with similar <br /> meanings shall be interpreted, unless otherwise stated, to mean furnish and install complete, in <br /> place and ready for service. <br /> 1.20 Liquidated Damages —See paragraph 12.18 of these Supplementary Conditions. <br /> 1.21 Modification - (A) a written amendment to the Contract Documents signed by the Owner <br /> and the Design-Builder and identified therein as such, (B) a Change Order, (C) <br /> Change Directive, or(D) a Field Order. A Modification may only be issued after execution of the <br /> Agreement. <br /> 1.22 Notice of Award -The written notice by the Owner to the Design-Builder that the Design- <br /> Builder is the candidate chosen pursuant to the RFQ process and that upon compliance with the <br /> conditions precedent to be fulfilled by the Design-Builder within the time specified, the Owner <br /> will execute and deliver the Agreement to the Design-Builder. <br /> 1.23 Notice -The term "notice" or"written notice" as used herein shall mean and include all <br /> written notices, demands, instructions, and claims approvals and disapprovals furnished by the <br /> Owner to obtain compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, as well as all <br /> written notices, demands, instructions and claims furnished by the Design-Builder as required <br /> by the Contract Documents. Where notice is required under the terms of the Contract <br /> Documents written notice shall always be required, and oral or"constructive" notice shall be <br /> insufficient and ineffective as notice. Email or other electronic delivery shall be insufficient and <br /> ineffective as notice unless specifically allowed by the Supplementary Conditions or a <br /> Modification to the Agreement. Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served on the <br /> date that it is delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm, to an officer of the <br /> corporation for whom it is intended, to an authorized representative of such individual, firm, or <br /> corporation, or on the date that it is mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt <br /> requested, addressed to the last business address of such individual, firm, or corporation known <br /> to the person giving the notice. Written notice may also be given by facsimile transmission, <br /> Revised 2/17 <br />
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