Orange County NC Website
21 <br /> Section VIII - Potential evaluation criteria <br /> 1. Demonstrated success on projects of similar scope and completed without major legal or <br /> technical problems and under budget <br /> 2. Qualifications of individuals assigned to the project team, including subconsultants <br /> 3. Relevant governmental experience (North Carolina experience preferred) <br /> 4. Capacity of firm and key project personnel to complete this project in a timely manner <br /> considering other work on the board <br /> 5. Experience working with governmental entities on land use requirements <br /> 6. Demonstrated history of bringing projects in under budget <br /> 7. Relevant and easily understood response to proposal and interview <br /> 8. DBE, minority and women-owned businesses participation outreach <br /> GENERAL <br /> 1. Living Wage. Orange County is committed to providing its employees with a living wage <br /> and encourages agencies it funds to pursue the same goal. A copy of Orange County's <br /> Living Wage Contractor Policy is included <br /> 2. HB786 imposes E-Verify requirements on contractors who enter into certain contracts with <br /> state agencies and local governments. The legislation specifically prohibits governmental <br /> units from entering into certain contracts "unless the contractor and the contractor's <br /> subcontractors comply with the requirements of Article 2 of Chapter 64 of the General <br /> Statutes." (Article 2 of Chapter 64 establishes North Carolina's E-Verify requirements for <br /> private employers). It is important to note that the verification requirement applies to <br /> subcontractors as well as contractors. The new laws specifically prohibit governmental <br /> units from entering into contracts with contractors who have not (or their subs have not) <br /> complied with E-Verify requirements. Complete the attached affidavit, and include it with <br /> your submittal. <br /> 3. Please complete the attached Iran Divestment Act Certification Requirements And Include <br /> With Your Submittal <br /> ATTACHMENTS: <br /> Exhibit A - Conceptual Design of Hillsborough EDD, Phase 1 Water and Sewer Extensions <br /> 9 <br />