Agenda - 05-02-2017 - 6-b - Phase 1 Infrastructure Design, Permitting, Bidding, and Miscellaneous Related Services Contract for the Hillsborough Area Economic Development District
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-02-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-02-2017 - 6-b - Phase 1 Infrastructure Design, Permitting, Bidding, and Miscellaneous Related Services Contract for the Hillsborough Area Economic Development District
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Last modified
4/27/2017 4:55:18 PM
Creation date
4/27/2017 4:55:48 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 05-02-2017
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18 <br /> Section II - Information About the Firm and Experience <br /> All respondents are requested to provide the information cited below, as well as any supplemental <br /> information that provides a comprehensive view of the prime consultant, the proposed project team <br /> and the approach to this project. The information should be presented in a clear, organized and <br /> concise manner on two-sided paper. <br /> A. General overview of the firm and its experience relative to this project, highlighting experience <br /> working for Orange County or in Orange County. <br /> B. Describe which office will be performing the work for the prime consultant. <br /> C. Specifically address the firm's experience in working with stakeholders and speak to the <br /> composition of those groups (staff, citizens, customer, elected officials, etc.). <br /> D. Note specific project experience with a minimum of five (5) completed projects similar in scope, <br /> providing for each the following information (SF255 or SF330 format acceptable): <br /> 1. Project name. <br /> 2. Description, including year completed, location, utility type, length/size of lines, number and <br /> capacity of pump stations, and your scope of services provided. <br /> 3. Include a complete list of subconsultants and their role/scope of work in the project. <br /> 4. Approximate total cost and cost of that portion for which your firm was responsible. <br /> 5. Project team involved and specific responsibilities. <br /> 6. Client reference and contact information (name of owner's representative, telephone number <br /> and e-mail address) <br /> E. Address the firm's current workload and how this project would fit within the firm's existing work. <br /> Section III - Information About the Proposed Project Design Team <br /> A. Prime Consultant - List the proposed design team and, at a minimum, the following information for <br /> each: <br /> 1. Role/project responsibility on this project team. <br /> 2. Physical location of each team member. <br /> 3. Qualifications. <br /> 4. Education. <br /> 5. Professional registration, if any. <br /> 6. Relative experience, with specific focus on governmental projects. <br /> 7. Length of service with present firm. If less than two years, cite name of previous firm. <br /> 8. List relative projects completed by each team member during the past five (5) years, complete <br /> with the same information as outlined in Section II. Denote any of the listed projects that were <br /> completed when team member was employed by other than the current firm. <br /> 9. Specifically address each team member's experience working with municipalities on similar <br /> projects. <br /> B. Subconsultants <br /> 1. Include a complete list of subconsultants and their anticipated role/scope of work in the project. <br /> If a subconsultant is proposed to share work of similar scope, such as design, provide a <br /> projection of the shared scope (i.e. Design 50% Firm/50% Consultant A). Respondents are <br /> expected to present their complete project team in the response. <br /> 2. Include a partnering commitment letter for the proposed project scope. <br /> 3. Since subconsultant qualifications will be evaluated similarly to the proposing firm's own <br /> design team, please ensure that complete information is included. <br /> 4. A description of the plan to involve MBE/WBE firms, including previous teaming experience. <br /> 6 <br />
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