Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> 10.Construction Material and Geotechnical Testing <br /> a. Independent geotechnical and material testing services will be provided on an "on-call" basis, with <br /> a 24-hour notice to schedule services with a subconsultant. <br /> b. Earthwork related services will include the following: <br /> i. Preform laboratory moisture-density relationship, grain size analysis and Atterberg limits on <br /> proposed fill soils. <br /> ii. Perform density testing on native and fill soils and stone to determine the moisture content <br /> and percent compaction of the soil material. <br /> 11.Post-Construction Phase <br /> The Consultant, following the completion of construction of the project will: <br /> a. Compile project inspector logs, site inspection notes, construction photographs and, if not <br /> already provided, a complete reporting of all construction material testing and submit a digital <br /> record of same to the County. <br /> b. Compile all operator's manuals and material information for the project and submit to the <br /> County in hardcopy and digital format. <br /> c. Provide a final accounting of all quantities installed versus bid, including change orders and <br /> related costs. <br /> d. Assist and advise County on release of retainage and the final project reconciliation change <br /> order. <br /> e. Create and seal a set of record (as-built) drawings of the newly completed sewer extension for <br /> submission to the State, Town of Hillsborough and Orange County's records. <br /> f. Provide final certification of the water and sewer construction as required by the various local, <br /> State agencies involved with this project. <br /> OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES: <br /> The County shall perform or provide the following: <br /> 1. Access to and reproduction of all pertinent records maintained by the County <br /> 2. Direction with regard to fundamental project objectives <br /> 3. General review of all materials submitted <br /> 4. Designate an owner's representative to interface with citizens and press and deal with public <br /> relation issues <br /> 5. Timely responses to questions from consultant <br /> 6. Assistance in completing permit applications and regulatory review packages that require the <br /> Manager's signature, application and/or permit fees <br /> 7. Timely processing for payment all properly submitted and documented applications for <br /> payment <br /> PROJECT TIME LINE: <br /> 1. Analysis, Design/Bid Phase: As quickly as possible — schedule to be determined by selected <br /> firm/team <br /> 2. Construction Phase: To begin no later than April 1, 2018 <br /> 3. Construction Duration: 12 months from Notice to Proceed <br /> 4. Post-Construction Phase: Record (as-built) drawings and other post-construction engineering <br /> activities shall be completed within 45 days of the end of the Construction Phase. <br /> 5 <br />