Orange County NC Website
15 <br /> 7. Bidding and Construction Documents <br /> a. Perform boundary and topographic surveying and prepare necessary base sheets. <br /> b. Prepare preliminary plan and profiles of the proposed systems. <br /> c. Perform exploratory borings or utilize geophysical surveying methods in order to determine if <br /> existing rock is present within the proposed excavation zones. <br /> d. Prepare final design plans meeting or exceeding the minimum design criteria of the North <br /> Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), the Town of Hillsborough , and <br /> Orange County. <br /> e. Submit the construction documents for jurisdictional reviews and approvals. Make <br /> corresponding revisions in response to comments, if any. <br /> f. Prepare a project (contract) manual utilizing information provided by the Owner and <br /> Consultant's standard technical specifications. <br /> i. Utilize and Orange County standard format provided by the County Attorney for <br /> construction contract and related special provisions. <br /> ii. Include Orange County requirements for safety, disadvantaged business participation, <br /> and insurance requirements. <br /> g. Perform a detailed quantity takeoff and prepare an Engineer's estimate of probable <br /> construction costs. Update this estimate at each major project submittal. Segregate alternate <br /> bid items, wherever they can be identified, to provide the Owner as much flexibility as possible <br /> in awarding the bid for construction. <br /> 8. Bidding and Award Assistance <br /> a. Assist the Owner with formal bidding of the project in accordance with NCGS 143-129. <br /> Prepare an advertisement for bid for circulation in newspapers and other sources as <br /> appropriate. The Owner shall be responsible for the cost of advertising. <br /> b. Distribute bid packages on behalf of the Owner with plans, technical specifications, and <br /> contract documents. <br /> c. Review questions and requests for clarifications from contractors during the bid period and <br /> issue addenda as may be required. <br /> d. Conduct a formal bid opening at the offices of the Owner. <br /> e. Review contractors' bids for completeness. Prepare a bid tabulation and issue to the Owner a <br /> recommendation of award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. <br /> f. Upon approval of the recommendation by the Owner, prepare a Notice of Award to be issued <br /> to the successful contractor and contract documents for execution by the successful <br /> contractor. <br /> 9. Construction Engineering and Inspections <br /> a. Schedule a Pre-Construction Conference with the Owner, Hillsborough, Contractor, Engineer and <br /> all other applicable parties to assure discussion of all matters related to the Project. Prepare and <br /> distribute minutes of the Pre-Construction Conference to all parties. <br /> b. Schedule quarterly Progress Meetings (four (4) total) with the Owner, Hillsborough, Contractor, <br /> Engineer and all other applicable parties to discuss progression of the project and coordination <br /> matters related to the Project. Prepare and distribute minutes of the Progress Meetings to all <br /> parties. <br /> c. Provide General Administration of Construction Contract. Consult with Owner and act as Owner's <br /> representative as provided in the General Conditions. <br /> d. Provide a Construction Field Representative (CFR) to periodically observe the progress and <br /> quality of the executed work and to determine in general if the work is proceeding in accordance <br /> with the Contract Documents. During such visits and on the basis of on-site observations as an <br /> experienced and qualified professional, keep the Owner informed of the progress of the work, and <br /> endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the work of the Contractor. <br /> 3 <br />