Agenda - 02-21-2006-8a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-21-2006
Agenda - 02-21-2006-8a
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9/2/2008 8:52:10 AM
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8/29/2008 9:07:34 AM
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9 <br />As a growing community, the Orange County and the Town of Chapel Hill must successfully <br />balance a diverse array of housing and community development issues. Given the range of <br />competing needs, the community must invest its scarce public resources wisely. Therefore, as a <br />general principle, the Tawn will attempt to expend public funds in a way that leverages the <br />commitment of private sector support whenever possible, <br />The following presentation utilizes this performance-centered approach to outline the Town's <br />approach to housing and community development in the upcoming five years.. This approach <br />includes identifying goals, objectives and strategies; determining what resources are necessary <br />to achieve these goals; analyzing and evaluating performance data; and using that data to drive <br />improvements in organization. All objectives and performance indicators are based on a five- <br />yeartime frame, <br />Goal 1 -Decent and Affordahle Housino for Lower-Income Households <br />Pdorit 1.1-Low income < 80%AMI homeowners that live in substandard housin <br />Strategies: - Continue to fund urgent repairs for qualified units <br /> - Continue to fund substantial rehabilitation for qualified units <br /> - Continue to incorporate handicap, weathedzation and lead-based paint improvements into all <br /> substantial rehabilitations <br />Output Indicators: - 25 substantially rehabilitated units (Orange County/Chapel Hill) <br /> - 50 units with ur ent re airs Oran a Coun <br />Priorit 1.2-Low income renters <60%AMI that live in substandard housin <br />Strategies: - Continue to fund the rehabilitation of existing rental housing units <br /> Monitor and enforce rent and property standards for completed projects <br /> - Leverage existing Town and County resources by utilizing the federal low income tax credit, HUD <br /> Section 202 and 811, and other programs to construct new rental housing <br /> - Provide educational opportunities related to fair housing, tenant rights, etc. <br /> Continue to dialogue with the lJniversity of North Carolina -Chapel Hill on issues that affect <br /> affordable rental o ortunities in the area <br />Output Indicators: - 50 additional affordable rental units (Orange County/Chapel Hill) <br /> 201ow income renters receive HOME funded rental assistance for up to 2 years each (Orange <br /> County) <br /> - 100 units of renovated public housing (Chapel Hill) <br /> 150 units of refurbished ublic housin Cha el Hill <br />Priority i.3-Low income (<80%AMI) homeowners that do not have indoor plumbing or adequate connections to existing public <br />water and sewers stems <br />Strategies: Continue to fund the connection of lower income homeowners to existing water and sewer facilities. <br /> - Continue to fund the construction of com lete indoor lumbin facilities <br />Out ut Indicators: 100% of all Coun residents have ade uate indoor lumbin Oran a Count /Cha el Hill <br />~9a <br />
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