Orange County NC Website
~i~-I <br />Affordable Housing <br />Income Limits For Extremely Low, Very Low, and Low Income Households <br />(Based on HUD data on area median family income for FY 2005. <br />2006 Income limits will be provided when available) <br />212005 U.5. De artment of HUD <br />Category %AMI 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 Person 6 Person 7 Person 8 P <br />Extremely <br />Low Income <30% 14,950 17,100 19,250 24,400 23,100 24,800 26,500 <br />Very Low <br />Income 31-50% 24,950 28,500 32,100 35,650 38,500 41,350 44,200 ~ <br />Low Income 51-80% 39,950 45,650 51,350 57,050 61,600 66,150 70,750 i <br />Median <br />Income 100% 48,860 55,840 62,820 69,800 75,380 80,970 86,550 £ <br />AMI =Area Median Family Income <br />Client Income eligibility: HOME- and CDBG-assisted programs must serve low income clients (less than 80% of <br />AMI). For all HOME programs and for CDBG programs providing direct financial benefits, all clients must meet <br />income eligibility limits, If you are not sure about your program's eligibility, please call the Town or County staff. <br />Client Income Tracking: As well as ensuring client eligibility, HUD requires us to report the numbers of clients <br />served in each of the income groups listed above, You will be required to document the financial status of program <br />recipients, Participants will also be required to sign a statement to verify the accuracy of the information submitted,. <br />20 <br />