Orange County NC Website
3tp <br />Affordable Housing <br />Attachment 3 <br />Summary of Goals, Priorities and Output Indicators from Housing and <br />Community Development Plan for 2005-2010 for Orange County, Carrboro, <br />Chapel Hill and Hillsborough <br />Goal 1 -Decent and Affordable Housing for Lower-Income Households <br />Priorit 1.1-Low income < 80%AMI homeowners that live in substandard housing <br />Strategies: Continue to fund urgent repairs for qualified units <br /> - Continue to fund substantial rehabilitation for qualified units <br /> - Continue io incorporate handicap, weatherization and lead-based paint improvements into all <br /> substantial rehabilitations <br />Output Indicators: - 25 substantially rehabilitated units (Orange County/Chapel Hillj <br /> - 50 units with ur ent re airs Oran a Coun <br />Priori/ 1.2 -Low income renters <60% AMI that live in substandard housin <br />Strategies: - Continue to fund the rehabilitation of existing rental housing units <br /> - Monitor and enforce rent and property standards for completed projects <br /> - Leverage existing Town and County resources by utilizing the federal low income tax credit, HUD <br /> Section 202 and 811, and other programs to construct new rental housing <br /> - Provide educational opportunities related to fair housing, tenant rights, etc.. <br /> Continue to dialogue with the University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill on issues that affect <br /> affordable rental o ortunities in the area <br />Output Indicators: 50 additional affordable rental units (Orange County/Chapel Hill) <br /> - 20 low income renters receive HOME funded rental assistance for up to 2 years each (Orange <br /> County) <br /> 100 units of renovated public housing (Chapel Hill) <br /> - 150 units of refurbished ublic housin Cha el Hill <br />Priority 13 -Low income (<80%AMI) homeowners that do not have indoor plumbing or adequate connections to existing public <br />water and sewers stems <br />Strategies: - Continue to fund the connection of lower income homeowners to existing water and sewer facilities, <br /> - Continue to fund the construction of com lete indoor lumbin facilities <br />Out ut Indicators: - 100% of all Count residents have ode uate indoor lumbin Oran a Coun /Cha el Hill <br />Priodt 1.4 -Low-income renters <80%AMI that are otenfial homebu ers <br />Strategies: - Provide down-payment and closing cost assistance to qualified homebuyers <br /> - Provide homebuyer education and counseling with an emphasis on credit <br /> - Provide acquisition, infrastructure, predevelopment and/or construction funding to eligible non- <br /> profits and for-profits to develop affordable housing opportunities <br /> - Establish homeownershi ro ram to assist existin Section 8 reci tents <br />Ouf ut Indicators: - 75 additional lower income homebu ers Oran a Coun /Cha el Hill <br />Priodt 1.5- Eliminate bamers to affordable housing <br />Strategies: Challenge and encourage non-profit and for-profit affordable housing providers to share resources <br /> and collaborate <br /> - Seek legislation chat would require all local governments to require new residential and commercial <br /> developers in the County and Towns seeking zoning approval and/or permits to contain at least <br /> 15% affordable units in residential projects <br /> - Declare 2006 "The Year of Affordable Housin "and im lement a ublic education that defines <br />17 <br />