Agenda - 02-21-2006-8a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-21-2006
Agenda - 02-21-2006-8a
Entry Properties
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9/2/2008 8:52:10 AM
Creation date
8/29/2008 9:07:34 AM
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Minutes - 20060221
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as <br />Affordable Housing <br />Property Acquisition <br />^ Has agency acquired real property in order to carry out the project, or is property acquisition <br />planned? <br />^ Has property owner been informed of your intention to use federal funds for this project? If so <br />attach letter. <br />^ Provide a copy of an appraisal. Pictures of the property are encouraged. <br />^ Is the property currently occupied? If so, state the number of tenants and describe in detail how <br />you will determine relocation needs and help occupants to relocate in accordance with Uniform <br />Relocation Act. Include the cost of this in your budget.. If you have issued a General Information <br />Notice to tenants informing them of their rights to relocation assistance, attach a copy. <br />Construction Detail <br />^ Floor plan and sketch of finished building(s). Annotate floor plan to show ADA features if' present.. <br />Annotate sketch to emphasize design features that you consider particularly attractive and <br />compatible with other buildings in the neighborhood. <br />^ How many units will be newly constructed: ~; rehabilitated: ; <br />^ Square footage of each unit:-; Number of bedrooms baths: <br />^ Will project participate in an externally monitored energy efficiency program (e,g. Energy Star)? <br />• Yes: (provide details). No: <br />^ How many units will have full ADA accessibility: ; <br />^ How many others will have at least the following accessibility features: <br />• An at-grade or ramped entrance to the main floor or the capability to easily install a ramp <br />later on; and <br />• All doorways and passageways on the main floor at least 32" wide; and <br />• A bathroom or half-bath on the main floor that will accommodate a wheelchair (show <br />dimensions of unobstructed floor area on floor plan) <br />Lead-Based Paint (Rehab projects only) <br />^ Describe in detail how you plan to address lead-based testing and abatement or hazard control on <br />any property built before 1978. <br />Affordability, Marketing, & Supportive Services <br />^ Proposed rents or sales prices for completed housing units. For rental units, estimate utility costs.. <br />^ Process for marketing to ensure an adequate pool ofincome-eligible renters or buyers <br />^ Any steps planned to ensure long-term affordability of housing units, including subsidy recapture, <br />land trust, equity sharing, buy-back options, etc. <br />^ Any services coordinated with the project that will help ensure occupants' long-term housing <br />success. <br />
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