Orange County NC Website
Iq <br />CHECKLIST OF DOCUMENTATION INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLICATION <br />(Place an "X" in each box.) <br />You must provide an ORIGINAL plus ONE Copy of the following sections in the order listed: <br />^ Applicant Information <br />^ Program Description <br />^ Project Budget and Funding <br />^ Performance Measurement <br />^ Agency Description <br />^ Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest <br />Also, please provide ONE of each of the following attachments, if available: <br />^ Current Organizational Chart <br />^ Current Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation ^on file with the Town /County* ^attached <br />^ IItS tax determination letter (501(C)(3) ^on file with the Town /County* ^attached <br />^ Most recent independent audit ^on file with the Town /County* ^attached <br />^ Auditor's management Letter ^on file with the Town /County* ^attached <br />^ Most recent un-audited fmancial statement ^on file with the Town /County* ^attached <br />^ Current list of Board of Directors ^on file with the Town /County* ^attached <br />^ Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy ^on file with the Town /County* ^attached <br />Please check with Town and / or County staff before indicating that documents are on file, <br />VI <br />