Agenda - 10-03-1983
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-03-1983
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4/25/2017 8:31:21 AM
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3 <br /> cnnonisnione, Walker questioned why create a separate Counoil, as opposed to <br /> having the Social Service Board have the added responsibility. <br /> os. Josephine Barbour stated that the purpose was to try and integrate <br /> service. She noted that now it looks as if the Board is creating additional <br /> Boards and additional people to go with what already existo. <br /> E-3 ol _DzslioancP (see pages for a copy of this <br /> ordinance) <br /> In response to Commissioner Lloyd's concern for when a dog is considered <br /> e <br /> vicious, Attorney <br /> Gledhill stated that when an animal is off the owner's <br /> premises and attacks when unprovoked, it is considered viuiovs, <br /> In reference to Commissioner Lloyd's question regarding liability, Attorney <br /> Gledhill noted that to the extent that someone is negligent or willful, or does <br /> an intentional act which injures someone, then it probably is contrary to <br /> public policy and is not enforceable. However, there are instances where the <br /> act of the Animal Control Ordinance could be either negligent or willful, and <br /> would have some that case it . ooe cannot be excused <br /> legislatively from negligent or intentional acts. <br /> Commissioner Lloyd questioned the term "canvass" in Section E-6. Attorney <br /> Gledhill noted that this related to search of pcpmiaes in an effort to control <br /> rabies or other serious health problems; due process and other provisions <br /> provide that no search can be made without a warrant; questioned about the <br /> meaning of Section VIII, Attorney Gledhill stated that this section relates to <br /> any state law pertaining to the hunting of dogs and would not be affected by <br /> the ocdioauce. <br /> Commissioner Whitted stated that this Ordinance allows an agent to have the <br /> authority to take action when complaints are registered against animals and <br /> is triggered by someone registering a complaint. <br /> Attorney Gledhill also noted that there is authority in the Ordinance for <br /> Animal Contro] Officers to take action if the violation occurs in their <br /> presence. <br /> Mr. Ward noted that he had met with the Attorney General's office and the <br /> Assistant District Attorney, and it was agreed that this was a good Ordinance, <br /> but they had some concerns which he described. The Ordinance should be spelled <br /> out clearly, so that there is a common understanding of its provisions, <br /> especially as it relates to hunting dogs. <br /> Dr. Robert Greenberg reiterated the fact that the Ordinance protects the <br /> rights of owners to have security dogs on the premises, even without restraint. <br /> A display of vicious behavior by a security dog is not a violation of the <br /> Ordinance. Similarly, the Ordinance says that a hunter may use a hunting dog <br /> off premises as long as that dog is not creating a nuisance or endangering <br /> public health or safety. He noted that there is nothing that would define <br /> responsible ownership of a hunting dog to include the right of that dog while <br /> hunting, to be creating nuisances or endangering public health or safety. <br /> ss. Barbour asked that the Board consider defining hunting dogs, and <br /> placing general statute citations in the Ordinance for reference; that in the <br /> completed document the pages be numbered. She questioned if there will be <br /> search warrants, or if a clerk will "canvass" neighborhoods. When you have <br /> fifty acres or more, pinning a dog down seems rather restrictive. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner Marshall to adopt the <br /> Ordinance with the proposed changes as presented. VOTE: Ayes, 5; Noes, 0. <br /> Commissioner Whitted moved, seconded by Commissioner Walker that the Animal <br /> Control Ordinance be effective January 1, 1984. VOTE: Ayes, 5; Noes, 0. <br />
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