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cation voiced strong sul.;oort for the program. Project Outreach requested a <br /> letter of support from the County Commissioners for the project to go along <br /> with the funding application. Commissioner Marshall moved that the Chair mite <br /> a letter to Ann Sanford before December 12 in support of this project. <br /> Commissioner (Jhitted seconded this motion. VOTE: Unanimous <br /> Mr. Roman I(olodij, of James Webb's architectural firm gave a status report <br /> of the development of plans and specifications for renovating the old court- <br /> house. Two state agencies are involved - Archives and History and the <br /> Department of Insurance. The three (3) judges are concerned about maintaining <br /> the large courtroom. The preferred arrangement includes a minimum number of <br /> toilets on the upper floor with the elevator at the far end. Objectives <br /> include: (1) a large area around the bench for judge and jury, (2) flexible <br /> fr <br /> seating, (3) second stairway (extended to the opening on the east side), (4) <br /> making an opening through a window into a doorway with steps leading out. The <br /> remainder of the building would be repaired and restored with a few minor <br /> changes required by the building code. The cost estimate of S280,000 will be <br /> spread over a 2-year period. This project will be ready for bids in early <br /> April with construction beginning the first of May. <br /> Mr. Kolodji explained that the stairway would only be used as an "EXIT" <br /> and would not be disruptive. <br /> Board members stressed the importance of working with the Historic <br /> Hillsborough Commission and the Hillsborough Historical Society. <br /> Commissioner Whitted moved, seconded by Commissioner Marshall to approve <br /> the concept in Proposal "B". VOTE: Unanimous. <br /> G-21 EXECUTIVE SESSION <br /> Commissioner Mhitted moved, seconded by Commissioner Lloyd to move the <br /> meeting into executive session to discuss a personnel matter. VOTE: Unanimous <br /> After the Executive Session, Commissioner Willhoit announced that the <br /> session would continue on Thursday, December 8 at 12:00 noon. <br /> a.-2 PROPOSED MIP11171 HOUSfl=_ELE (see permanent agenda file for this <br /> ordinance) <br /> County Manager Thompson presented for coraents a proposed ordinance <br /> recommended by the Human Services Advisory Commission and reviewed by the <br /> attorney. The ordinance includes three (3) different ways to activate <br /> inspection. Commissioner Marshall auestioned 14.1 (b): inspection on a periodic <br /> basis. <br /> Commissioner Lloyd noted that if rental property had to conform with this <br /> ordinance, it would ultimately raise the rent and force some people out with no <br /> place to live. <br /> Commissioner Marshall noted that the state has a tenant-landlord law but <br /> in order to enforce that law, a minimum housing code would need to be <br /> activated. <br /> Attorney Gledhill explained a grandfather provision which exempts those <br /> conditions that presently exist. All requirements of this ordinance are not <br /> applicable to all situations. The provisions of this ordinance cannot be <br /> altered with a written contract between the landlord and tenant. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit noted that many landlords refuse to uFgrade their <br /> rental property thus allowing sub-standard conditions to exist. He questioned <br /> whether the COmmunity Development Department might be a better department to <br /> monitor this ordinance since one of their main functions is to evaluate poor <br /> housing conditions. All new buildings are required to conform to the Building <br />