Agenda - 08-15-1983
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-15-1983
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Last modified
4/24/2017 10:28:02 AM
Creation date
4/24/2017 10:27:28 AM
Meeting Type
Special Meeting
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Minutes - 19830815
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1980's\1983
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-3- <br /> 10. The County contracts and agrees to bear the cost of engineering <br /> services related to the design and construction of the sewer <br /> collection system to serve the 44 lots of Efland Estates Sub- <br /> div[ision, the Efland Estates sewer connection to the proposed <br /> pump station at Efland Cheeks School and the sanitary sewer <br /> connection of Efland Cheeks School to the pump station: The <br /> Cou6ty shall also acquire or provide all necessary rights-of-way, <br /> easements, encroachment agreements, permits , and other permission <br /> reoired for the construction of the Efland Estates sewer collection <br /> system, the sewer line to the pump station and the sewer connection <br /> of Efland Cheeks Elementary School. <br /> 11. The ICounty contracts and agrees to provide, at no cost to the Town, <br /> the site and permanent easement for the proposed pump station at <br /> Efland Cheeks Elementary School and the permanent easement for <br /> the proposed force main across the Efland Cheeks Elementary School <br /> property. <br /> 12. The Town contracts and agrees to provide sewer service to allow the <br /> start and full operation of Efland Cheeks Elementary School beginning <br /> August 29, 1983. This service will be either through operation of <br /> the newly installed force main or through pumping and transport of <br /> the Sewage by truck for treatment at the Hillsborough Waste Treatment <br /> Plant. <br /> 13. The Town and County contract and agree that the force main pump <br /> station, and sewer collection system for Efland Cheeks Elementary <br /> School and Efland Estates Subdision, which are the subejct of this <br /> agreement, shall be the property of the Town from and after the <br /> datelof their completion/installation as certified by the engineers <br /> of the project and the Environmental Management Commission. Town <br /> agrees to maintain and operate the system extension in the same manner <br /> and Provide the same level of service to the system extension as it <br /> does the balance of its sewer system. <br /> 14. The Town and the County agree that approvals of the sewer tap-ons <br /> to these facilities shall be made jointly by the Town and the County <br /> for al period of 12 months, and, thereafter, such approvals shall be <br /> by th,4 Town. The Town and the County further agree to charge $400 <br /> per -4ap-on for a residential dwelling unit which shall be shared as <br /> follows: $200 to the County and $200 to the Town. The equivalent <br /> residential sewage flow of 300 gallons per day per dwelling unit <br /> will be used in calculating and changing the tap fee for other <br /> than single family type residents. The fee schedule shall continue <br /> in force until the County has recouped its contribution in General <br /> Fund revenues cominitted to the project herein described. The County <br /> agrees to collect the tap-on fees through its building permit <br /> procedure and remit the Town portion to the Town. <br />
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