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2 <br /> examples of success they had with the State Association of County Commissioners <br /> taking the lead. <br /> Commissioner Whitted attended sessions on Children Services and Economic <br /> Development and received some good ideas on what the Economic Development <br /> Commission can do. Former Vice-President Mondale addressed the convention on <br /> Sunday night; Martin Feldstein, Chairman of the President's Economic Advisory <br /> Committee spoke on Monday morning; Elizabeth Dole, Secretary of Transportation <br /> spoke on Tuesday morning and Sandra Smolsy, NACO President also spoke on <br /> Tuesday morning. Commissioner Wbitted said the sessions were very timely, <br /> productive and worthwhile. <br /> E. BOARD oMISI0F8 <br /> 1. Madj.figatIDo- of Special oze-EkriritzMdsbeZY_8irg»rtzEola±iouatino of <br /> Public Hearing to receive Planning Board's Recommendation <br /> Susan Smith made the presentation. A request to delete or modify four (4) <br /> conditions placed on the approval of the Class A Special Use Permit granted to <br /> Buck Mountain Development for a general aviation airport was received. The <br /> developer is requesting approval of a 3800' runway with 500' safety-overrun on <br /> the south end and a 700' safety overrun on the north end. In addition, they <br /> request that condition 03 be modified to include a 1000` long <br /> approach-departure zone. The applicant has provided a specific list of uses <br /> which might take place in the Free Base Operator and maintenance hangers which <br /> are for the maintenance of aircraft and operation of the airport. Condition #3 <br /> which the developers requested to have deleted is the requirement for a fire <br /> access road from the airport property and Teer Road. The limit placed on <br /> training flights in Condition 47 is also requested to be deleted. <br /> At attorney Gledhill's cecommeudatiou" the Board accepted the Minutes of <br /> the Planning Board as their recommendation as follows: It has been the <br /> County's policy not to take a direct interest in the development of airport <br /> facilities either through specific regulations such as airport hazard zoning or <br /> through construction of a public facility. It has assumed the role of <br /> "permitting authority" establishing through the special use permit procedure <br /> necessary safeguards to secure the public health, safety and welfare. <br /> The Board needs to carefully review the evidence submitted to determine if <br /> an identifiable health,the airport as proposed represents , oafety and welfare <br /> problem and if the conditions imposed on the special use permit, as approved, <br /> address the problem. Buck Mountain Development Corporation submits that <br /> deletion or modification of the conditions would not remove the safeguards <br /> necessary to secure the public health, safety and welfare. The Board should <br /> consider this matter to determine if deletion or modification of the conditions <br /> impose significant and identifiable threats to the public health, safety and <br /> welfare and, if so, whether the conditions imposed represent reasonable <br /> solutions which satisfy the specific standards that must be met for issuance of <br /> the permit. <br /> The Planning Board made the following recommendations on July 18, 1983: <br /> (a) That the request of the applicant be denied and that the applicant be <br /> required to have control of the entire approach zone at each end of the runway, <br /> namely 5000 feet measured from a point 200 feet from the end of the runway. <br /> This zone is to be 500 feet wide at the point closest to the runway and is to <br /> flare to a width of 2000 feet at the end of the zone as shown in the diagram <br /> included with the original permit. <br /> The Planning Board further recommends strongly that the applicant be <br /> rpouired to aocuize by purchase or by easement the triangular piece of the <br />