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44V. <br /> -1" r <br /> ato <br /> (A <br /> 3. <br /> 1 <br /> Mr. Johnson continued to address the proposal but as a private citizen. He <br /> 5. noted the goals and objectives in the adopted Land Use Plan which were proposed <br /> 6. and approved b; the Bingham Township Advisory Council. He particularly stressed <br /> 7. the need to preserve the agricultural and rural character of Bingham Township. <br /> 8. He inquired if the minutes of the last public hearing could be included in <br /> 9. these proceedings. <br /> 10. Commissionler Whitted responded they could not as they were not germane to the <br /> 31. proposal. <br /> 12. Geoffrey Gledhill : An application for modification incorporates all materials <br /> 13.- previously submitted as evidence and that if it is considered applicable to the <br /> 14. discussion it can be considered evidence. <br /> 15. Ed Johnsonkndicated he had consulted a tree book on the average heights of <br /> 16. trees common tokhe area. Although he did not survey actual tree heights around <br /> 17, the site, the terrain slopes downward off the southern end and is flat and wooded <br /> 18. at the northern end. He displayed a drawing showing the relationship between <br /> 19. the height of a tree and the approach departure slope. Given a 100' tall tree, <br /> 20. Johnson maintained the area out 2000' must be controlled for the height of objects. <br /> 21. Johnson cited the letter from the Manager to Bruce Matthews dated February 19, <br /> 22. 1982, stating "objective. . if public takeover is necessary . . . federal funds <br /> 23. for the purpose.L He also cited a January 26, 1982 letter from Bruce Matthews <br /> 24. regarding requirements in which he advises the more stringent requirements in case <br /> 25, <br /> of federal funding or a conversion to instrument approach. He also cited the <br /> 26. March 5, 1982 letter from Howard Robinson. <br /> 27. Johnson continued citing a letter from George Warren, FAA Airport District <br /> 28. Office, Georgia, dated December 11 , 1981 in which Warren indicates that the plans <br /> 29, submitted were agreeable but that the comments expire in 1982 if the airport has <br /> 30. not been constructed by that time. A letter from Leon Harrison dated November 20, <br /> 32 . 19Rn, <br />