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SECTION III COMPONENT SUMMARY (attach for each component) y <br />Statement of the Problem <br />In concise terminology, describe the juvenile justice problem(s) to address and how these services meet the needs or <br />service gaps identified in the JCPC Annual Plan. <br />Needs assessments indicate that victimization by of youth by caregivers in Orange County is higher than the state <br />average.. Families involved in the juvenile justice system exhibit conflictual relationships, and a significant percentage <br />of parents have disabilities that interfere with their abilities to successfully parent the youth Data also indicate that <br />' <br />s first <br />school bahavior problems precede referrals to the juvenile justice sytem in the 12 months prior to the youth <br />referral to juvenile services. The JCPC Annual Plan calls for increased opportunities for parents of court-involved <br />youth to receive parent skills training and parent counseling. Family Advocates will teach effective discipline, <br />communication and conflict resolution skills, provide supportive counseling, assist parents with meeting basic needs in <br />order to reduce family stress, and advocate for needed services for the family <br />Target Population <br />Describe the tar et o ulation and ste s taken to insure that the target o ulation is served. <br />The target population is at risk youth and court-involved youth At-risk youth will be served through referral from <br />Boomerang, an alternative to suspension program in Orange County, as well as through referral from schools in the <br />county. Referrals will also be received from the county mental health system. Court-involved youth will be served <br />throw h court referral. <br />Program Goal(s) State the effect this component is designed to have on solving the problem described above. <br />This component will reduce indivudual risk factors related to the family, including poor family management practices, <br />inadequate supervision and monitoring, unspecifed expectations for behavior, and excessively severe or inconsistent <br />punishment. Family Advocates will provide support and education to parents with high needs children to help them <br />increase their abilities to parent effictively and reduce acting out behavior in youth. This will be evidenced by reduced <br />referrals to the Juvenile .lustice system and reduced recidivism among court-involved youth over the period of 18 <br />months. <br />Measurable Objective(s) <br />State in measurable terms the intended effect on specific undisciplined and/or delinquent behaviors Example: anticipated <br />reductions in court referrals, runaway behavior, disruptive behavior at school, anticipated improved school attendance and academic <br />achievement. These objectives must include participant outcomes and may include program outcomes <br />Participant outcomes: 1) 75% of parents who receive at least 10 contacts from Family Advocates will show <br />improvement in their ability to handle the responsibilities of parenthood as evidenced in gains in scores from pre-test <br />to post-test on the FAN Gopability Survey. 2) At least 75% of parents who receive FAN will demonstrate increased <br />knowledge of how to access community services for their family 3) 50% of parents who receive FAN services will <br />show gains in ability to successfully handle conflict Pragram outcomes. 1) At least 22 families of youth will be <br />served <br />Priority Community Risk Factor(s) Addressed <br />State how riorit risk factor(s) identified b the JCPC will be addressed. <br />The component will increase individual and family problem solving, interaction, and life skills, which will address family <br />discord, marginal supervision, and parental disabilities that interfere with the success of caring for youth. <br />Protective Factors Utilized (Ex. Healthy beliefs & clear standards, skills, opportunities, recognition) <br />Improved family communication, strengthened child/parent attachment, improved youth relationship with parents, <br />clear standards, and academic success will be utilized. <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />