Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, <br /> do hereby proclaim the month of April 2017 as "SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH" <br /> and encourage all residents to speak out against sexual violence and to support their local <br /> community's efforts to prevent and respond to these appalling crimes. <br /> This the 4th day of April, 2017. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Price for the <br /> Board to approve the proclamation designating April as "Sexual Assault Awareness Month" in <br /> Orange County and authorized the Chair to sign the proclamation. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> e. Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation <br /> The Board considered a proclamation recognizing April 2017 as Child Abuse <br /> Prevention Month and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br /> Prevent Child Abuse - North Carolina's President and CEO Sharon Hirsch represented <br /> this organization, and accepted the proclamation on its behalf. <br /> Commissioner McKee read the proclamation: <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING APRIL 2017 AS <br /> CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH <br /> WHEREAS, children are vital to our state's future success, prosperity and quality of life as well <br /> as being our most vulnerable assets; and <br /> WHEREAS, all children deserve to have the safe, stable, nurturing homes and communities <br /> they need to foster their healthy growth and development; and <br /> WHEREAS, child abuse and neglect is a community responsibility affecting both the current <br /> and future quality of life of a community; and <br /> WHEREAS, communities that provide parents with the social support, knowledge of parenting <br /> and child development and concrete resources they need to cope with stress <br /> and nurture their children ensure all children grow to their full potential; and <br /> WHEREAS, effective child abuse prevention strategies succeed because of partnerships <br /> created among residents, human service agencies, schools, faith <br /> communities, health care providers, civic organizations, law enforcement <br /> agencies, and the business community; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, we, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, do hereby proclaim <br /> April 2017 as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Orange County, North Carolina <br /> and call upon all residents, community agencies, faith groups, medical <br /> facilities, elected leaders and businesses to increase their participation in <br /> efforts to support families, thereby preventing child abuse and strengthening <br /> the communities in which we live. <br />