Orange County NC Website
22 <br /> o Science lab for hands-on enrichment to an online science course <br /> o Project and collaboration rooms <br /> o Fitness area <br /> o Café <br /> Todd Wirt said there are other programs like this around the country, and he was a part <br /> of developing one at his previous district. He said they have been successful in other parts of <br /> the country. He said some other implications for existing facilities would be that the annex <br /> currently houses the curriculum and instruction department, and it would be proposed that the <br /> Information and Technology department move to the annex. He said this would move <br /> technology out of Orange High School. He said the existing partnership academy could be <br /> narrowed and be more focused on an alternative to both short and long term suspension. He <br /> said there has been discussion about a possible site for Boomerang in Hillsborough, which <br /> could be a part of this as well. <br /> Todd Wirt said removing the technology from Orange High does not allow for a great <br /> deal of additional capacity, but it could house the hands on portion of the new fire tech <br /> academy that OCS will begin at the high school in the next school year. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if CHCCS is picking up an equal cost for the <br /> transportation facility through funding venues outside of the bond monies. <br /> Pam Jones, Deputy Superintendent, said it is not an equal amount of funding since <br /> OCS is the lead LEA that is responsible. She said the BOCC gave an older facilities <br /> assessment for five years, and that money would be dedicated by CHCCS for this project. <br /> She said this is in the fifth year of the bond, allowing time to accumulate the necessary capital. <br /> Commissioner Rich recommended that the school boards contact legislators about the <br /> impact fees, and how any change to them could affect schools. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs encouraged the CHCCS School Board to contact the Chapel Hill <br /> Chamber of Commerce to reiterate the importance of impact fees. He said the only alternative <br /> is to raise property taxes. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Burroughs, seconded by Commissioner Price for <br /> the Board to approve the amendments to the FY 2016-17 Capital Investment Plan and the <br /> attached list of projects including the acquisition of the Orange Charter School Facility. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if there is a plan in place if the project costs change. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said if there is a change in allocation of funds, the districts need to <br /> come back before the BOCC; if the districts do not spend as much on one project, and want to <br /> move funds to another project, the districts are required to come back to the BOCC. <br /> Commissioner Rich clarified that if there are any changes to the project cost sheet, the <br /> districts must come back to the BOCC. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said yes. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos asked if in a year the bid on Chapel Hill High goes up to $55 <br /> million, but CHCCS adjusts its plans to only spend the approved $47 million, would CHCCS <br /> need to come back to the BOCC. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said CHCCS only needs to come back to the BOCC is there is a <br /> change in the amount of funds that is needed. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 6; Nays, 1 (Commissioner Jacobs) <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he is not opposed to any of the projects, but he is opposed <br /> to how some of them have been advanced. <br />