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21 <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if there was any funding set aside for the recommendations <br /> that arise from the traffic study. <br /> Todd LoFrese said bid day will determine the final budget, and whether there are any <br /> funds left over. <br /> Chair Dorosin asked if the numbers in the attachment will cover all costs for the Lincoln <br /> Center and Chapel Hill High projects. <br /> Todd LoFrese said it is not entirely clear, but this is the closest budget that can be <br /> made prior to bids being received. He said the district can reserve some of its fund balance <br /> should the project budgets require additional funds. <br /> Commissioner McKee said the $47 million for Chapel Hill High is less than he <br /> remembered being discussed at one time, and he asked if any structural unit was removed <br /> from the project. <br /> Todd LoFrese said this is connected to the amount of funding received. He said the <br /> design process for the high school is still underway, and design decisions along the way drive <br /> the budget. He said he is concerned about increasing costs and fears a surprise on bid day. <br /> He said this project is not slated to go out to bid for another year. He said the district is <br /> monitoring this closely and is working on strategies to control the costs. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he understands it is a moving target, and he wondered if <br /> there is an identified portion of the plan that can be cut in order to make the rest of the project <br /> move forward. <br /> Todd LoFrese said the project consists of two major components: to build a new <br /> academic wing, and to renovate existing spaces. He said the extent of possible renovations is <br /> likely what would suffer should costs be higher than expected. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked Bonnie Hammersley if she was able to find the BOCC <br /> policy, from the late 1990s, about reviewing school capital projects before they are executed. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said staff was unable to find anything. She said there were only <br /> construction standards. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if the Clerk's staff could research this. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he will not vote in favor of these changes, as the BOCC has <br /> received very little information about them. He said it is $70 million, and the plans have barely <br /> been run by the BOCC. He said this is not consistent with past BOCC policies, and he feels <br /> the Board is not being a responsible steward in allocating money without reviewing the details <br /> of the plans. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs said the planning for these projects has been going on in a <br /> public manner for five years, and there are two elected school boards who have done their due <br /> diligence. <br /> Orange County Schools (OCS) — Dr. Todd Wirt <br /> Todd Wirt gave a brief description of the planned use of the Orange Charter School <br /> (920 Corporate Drive) as an OCS facility. He said the classroom wing addition will be removed <br /> at Cedar Ridge High School from the CIP, but will go on through school construction impact <br /> fees. He highlighted the following uses for the Orange Charter School facility: <br /> • Building 1 <br /> o One stop shop for parents for services (nutrition, after school, translation, etc.) <br /> • Building 2 <br /> o Blended learning academy (online and face-to-face education) <br /> o Flexible learning sites <br /> o Possible partnership with Durham Tech <br /> o Evening academy <br />