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10 <br /> the risk that any one individual could intentionally or unintentionally misappropriate assets. <br /> Policies should be in place requiring the segregation of certain duties. The County's payroll <br /> processing controls did not provide the appropriate segregation of duties related to the payroll <br /> processing. One individual at the County has the ability to input employee time, prepare the <br /> batch time entry reports to post to the general ledger, and edit employee hours. We <br /> recommend these controls either be segregated or compensating controls be implemented <br /> such as periodic reports reviewed of all changes made to employee time entered, new <br /> employees created as compared to reports from Human Resources, changes in employee <br /> benefits, earnings, or withholdings. During our testing we noted at the Sheriff's Department the <br /> same individual was capable of creating and approving a purchase requisition. Without some <br /> segregation of duties within these functions, there is increased exposure that someone could <br /> intentionally or unintentionally misappropriate assets of the County. Additionally, without <br /> additional internal controls related to financial reporting, errors could occur and not be <br /> detected. <br /> Joel Black resumed the PowerPoint presentation: <br /> Federal Awards — Significant Deficiency <br /> 2016-006 Monitoring Controls over 1571 Reporting <br /> Sound internal controls require that all financial and performance reports be reviewed in details <br /> by a knowledgeable person independent of the preparation process to ensure the accuracy <br /> and the completeness of the reports. This review should include both the verification and <br /> validation of the information included within the report, but also the accuracy of the information <br /> within the report. The reviewer should be able to verify the source information to the <br /> supporting sub-ledger information to ensure the valuation of the information included in the <br /> reports, the accuracy of the data, and the completeness of the information. During our testing <br /> of the preparation of the monthly 1571 report, as required by the North Carolina Department of <br /> Health and Human Services, we noted the County does not have sufficient controls in place to <br /> perform the necessary monitoring reviews to properly identify, summarize, and prepare the <br /> reports. By not having a detailed review of the report preparation and submission, the County <br /> is exposed to the risk of errors being included in the report. As the aggregation of information <br /> is very manual, with little direct monitoring controls, the County is at risk for errors to occur in <br /> the monthly reporting of federal and state expenditures and services. This report also provides <br /> information for the preparation of the County's schedule of expenditures of federal and state <br /> awards and any errors in this report would also result in an error to that schedule — see further <br /> discussion in finding 2016-005. <br /> • New GASB Pronouncements- Implemented This Year <br /> o Statement No. 72, Fair Value Measurement and Application, provides guidance <br /> on the measurement of fair values of certain accounts — most notably <br /> investments. Due to the nature of the County's investments, no significant <br /> change was required. <br /> o GASB Statement No. 76, Hierarchy of Generally Accepted Accounting <br /> Principles for State and Local Governments, provides guidance on the <br /> authoritative literature which should be utilized in applying GAAP to state and <br /> local government financial statements. No significant change for the County. <br /> o GASB Statement No. 79, Certain External Investment Pools and Pool <br /> Participants, provides for the accounting of the value of external investment <br /> pools (such as the North Carolina Capital Management Trust) at amortized cost, <br />