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3 <br /> A third possible addition is the position of a relief dispatcher for the <br /> emergency services department to allow back-up coverage for lunch breaks, <br /> sickness and vacation periods of the existing dispatchers. <br /> Mr. Thompson stated that the Dogwood Acres Sanitary District tax levy can <br /> be set at 1-1/4 cents per hundred dollars evaluation, to finish out the payment <br /> of principal and 1oteceot, In the case of the New Hope Fire District, proposal <br /> is made to raise the district tax from 3-I/2 cent to 4 cents to replace the <br /> engine on a tanker and other expenses. If the Board considers relieving some <br /> of the Mebane cost on the Economic Development Commission in lieu of support <br /> for the library and recreation, then the $556 could be dropped from the <br /> recommended budget' Based on the refinement of revenue projections, an <br /> additional $60,000 in revenue will be available in the coming year. Items in <br /> the revised mark-up list ha been incorporated. <br /> Commissioner millboit presented a list of fourteen (14) proposed additions <br /> to the Manager's budget. He indicated that the changes do not require an <br /> increased tax rate. The additions were: (1) P50,000 additional for the <br /> Sheriff's Department distributed as follows: $3,000 to the County Capital Fund <br /> for additional highway patrol vehicles� l bioleo tv be purchased in January. Two <br /> vehicles are already included in the county's capital fund and the remaining <br /> o47,000 will go for other items requested by the Sheriff, the largest amount of <br /> which will be for mileage; (2) s50,000 for Orange Enterprises, which will be <br /> budgeted in the nzangm County Capital Fund. Allocation will be contingent upon <br /> commitment of other funds sufficient to ensure completion of the property <br /> acquisition project; (3) u300,000 is for school capital to be divided equally <br /> between the two school systems; (4) s12,000 will be for voting machines; (5) <br /> y4,600 for the Dispute Settlement Center; (6) a1,500 for the Women's Health <br /> Center; (7) $1,000 for Battered Women's Coalition; (8) a1,050 for Rape Crisis; <br /> (9) s14,500 for an additional Protective Service nmckez; (10) $0,000 for the <br /> township listers that are not included in the County Manager's recommendations; <br /> (11) $9,000 for an electrical inspector; (13) $5,400 for two planning interns; <br /> (13) *1,000 for rent for the public defenders' office space and (14) v14,172 <br /> for a relief dispatcher, making the total $381,222. Proposed revenue changes <br /> to balance these encumbrances are $207,000 in back taxes from Carol woods' <br /> $57,000 for Carol Woods in the I983-1984 tax year; o9,000 increase in <br /> electrical inspection fees; u60,000 increased revenue projection; and sI00,000 <br /> decrease in the ABC funds which in the Manager's budget is $500,000, thus <br /> requesting $400,000 for the 1983-1984 fiscal year; increase in bottle tax is 5 <br /> cent, which is going in the June 9 Rouse revenue package - not sure of status, <br /> but could provide s40,000 additional revenue to the County. <br /> The increase in sales tax receipts is estimated at s40,000 which is in <br /> addition to the o60,000 in other increased revenue, giving a total increase in <br /> revenue of n313,000 requiring an additional appropriation from the undesignated <br /> fund balance of $68,222. <br /> The County Manager noted that this would be taking more than the <br /> recommended appcopciatioo. <br /> Commissioner Whitted stated that relative to the ABC System and the fund <br /> balance, there is a need to understand the implications of what was planned in <br /> regards to the necessary funds in the budget to purchase the land. Mr. Gobbel <br /> noted that based on Commissioner Willhoit's proposal of a100,000, the <br /> construction of the building will be postponed by six months, but this will not <br /> stop the program completely. <br /> Bottle tax now is earmarked for educational rehobilitation, There is a <br />