Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY , NORTH CAROLINA <br /> The chief line to facilitate a higher level of patrol is the motor pool account. it pays for maintenance <br /> and repair of vehicles (through the County garage) and gas and oil for operations. The question is what mileage <br /> to permit as this governs consumption of fuel, maintenance demand and frequency of vehicle replacement. Before <br /> the expanded patrol program was installed the average miles driven per month by Aheriff vehicles was 44,633 per <br /> month (July, 1982 thru November, 1982) . Six months of operating under the expanded patrol program has produced <br /> a monthly average (December, 1982 to March, 1933) of 77,976. given the recent practice of stationing vehicles <br /> for part of each patrol hour and new estimates by the Sheriff of what will be necessary in the new year, this <br /> -----budget-provides-funds-to--main tain--a---68,.000-.-pex--month vehicle-oiler.anon..—B.udgeted__amount_-is_$179.,_520 versus. _ _- <br /> $125,800 in current year. <br /> .Tail operating cost is addressed under three accounts (the electricity account of Public Works, and <br /> board and provisions and personnel accounts of Sheriff Department;. Each one is adjusted to projected actual <br /> cost. An additional jailer position is included to bring personnel per shift up to the staffing requirement <br /> of two persons available at all times (excluding the Matron/Cook position) . Staffing to carry out other func- <br /> tions of the department is at or above other urbanizing counties - 7 per 10,001 population. <br /> 6. Schools Current Expense <br /> Recommendation is to raise the per pupil allocation from $571 to '$603. This could fund salary changes <br /> on locally paid positions through an unfreezing of increases or be used on a selective basis for some salary <br /> changes and meeting other current expense Budget priorities as outlined in the adopted budgets of the two <br /> school boards. <br /> 7. Revenue Losses <br /> Public Health, Mental Health and Social Services will receive less revenue from non-county sources in <br /> the new year. Each situation has been evalu6Eed as will be seen in the departmental analyses. With Public <br /> Health the loss will be $74,000 ($48, 120 from Robert Wood Johnson grant expiring, $26,000 in family planning <br /> grant). This budget reflects an increase in family planning fees for income- to offset that loss. the dental pro- <br /> gram is reduced $9,000 while fees are raised to make up $22,000. Other cuts in the department were made <br /> (dropping of a sanitation inspector position and reducing line items to more closely reflect actual expendi- <br /> ture need.) which net to a overall decrease of 1 percent. <br /> Mental. Health is to receive a net loss in grants of $67,158 (Federal is down $98,233 while the State <br /> is up in its contribution to $31,075). other revenue and fund balance available for appropriation is projected <br /> to increase $30,929 leaving $36,249 of unmet need. This budget recommends the County share to increase by <br /> $20,000 (from $212,563 to $232,563) to stabilize the program and in recognition that the agency will make <br /> further cuts and has made cutbacks in the past (lowering; $300,000 in program expenditures over 3 years). <br /> E <br />