Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY . NORTH CAROLINA <br /> Secondly, the question exists of how much to devote to capital needs within the upcoming budget. <br /> Progress has been made by the school boards and County in coming up with elements of an eventual capital plan. <br /> Specifically, (1) expenditure information from the last 10 years was compiled; (2) new needs were costed•out <br /> and shown annually for the next 5 years; (3) there was agreement on definition so that each entity classifies <br /> projects in the same manner,(4) new major construction was separated from maintenance. It is clear from the <br /> latter that new long--term revenue sources will be necessary to make any appreciable progress on new construc- <br /> tion. Annual property tax revenue, on the other hand, should continue to be used to repair and maintain <br /> -- -------bu-ildi-ngs--al-ready-in-existence--so-that-the _____------. - <br /> Staff analyzed each request, discussed details with school personnel and in some cases made on-sight <br /> visits. From these the recommended capital budget for 1983-84 is as follows: <br /> Orange County Schools $517,980 <br /> Chapel. Rill-Carrboro Schools 3501,000 <br /> Orange County 4016,420 <br /> The Orange County amount is higher in order to remove asbestos (5 of the seven buildings have this material as <br /> ceilings and pipe covering), re-roof an addition at the High School and Charles W. Stanford buildings 1 and 3, <br /> -perform minor capital and equipment replacement as might be prioritized by the School Board within available <br /> funds. <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro's allocation would be sufficient to cover all of Category I projects or a combi- <br /> nation of Category T, II and ITT projects as might be prioritized by the School Board within available funds. <br /> Much of the County allocation would go toward continuing work underway (Old Courthouse at $180,000, <br /> Northside Multipurpose Center - $58,000) . Other needed projects are for re-roofing a portion of the Cedar <br /> Grove Multipurpose Building ($31,000) , replacing high mileage Sheriff vehicles ($41,000) , lighting athletic <br /> areas at Cedar Grove and Orange. High ($19,9[10 and $20,520 respectively to be matched by the State with equal <br /> amounts), constructing a holding cell at the Chapel Hill Courthouse ($15,000) , securing the prisoner recreation <br /> courtyards at the Jail ($2,000) , replacing sanitation containers which are rusted beyond repair ($9 ,1100) , <br /> installing Garage equipment ($10,0001) , and securing a reservoir and water and sewer engineering report ($20,000) . <br /> 5. Law Enforcement <br /> Changes in patrol instituted by the recently-elected Sheriff, coupled with costs associated with <br /> operating the new Jail, bring about the need to consider a revised funding level for law enforcement. <br />