Orange County NC Website
3~ <br />D-7 <br />adopted and is enforcing a policy of enforcing applicable State and federal laws <br />against physically batting entrance or exit fiom a facility or location which is the <br />subject of such nonviolent civil rights demonstration within its jurisdiction in <br />accordance with section 519 of Public Law 101-140 of the 1990 HUD <br />Appropriations Act.. <br />(n) It will comply with Title IJC of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended <br />(20 U S C :1681-1683 and 1685-1686) which prohibits discrimination on the basis <br />of sex; <br />(o} It will comply with the Drug Abuse Office and Ireatment Act of 1972 (P L 91- <br />616) as an7ended, relating to nondiseritnination on the basis of drug abuse; <br />(p) It will comply with the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism <br />Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970, relating to <br />nondiscrimhiation on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism <br />(q) It will comply with 523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912 "(42 <br />U S C 290 dd-.3 and 290 ee-3)", as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol <br />and drug abuse patientrecotds; <br />(r) It will comply with Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Acf "(42 U S C_. 4801 et seq. )" <br />which prohibits the use of lead based paint in construction of rehabilitation or <br />residential struchues; <br />(s) It will comply wiflr the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 42 LI S C §6291 et <br />Seo• <br />(t) REC_.IPILNUSUBGIZA.NIEL certifies that it: <br />(1) Is not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared <br />ineligible, sentenced to a denial of Federal benefits by a State or Federal <br />court, or voluntarily excluded from participating in Federal grants or <br />awards by any Federal depaztrnent or agency; and <br />(2) Has not within athree-year period preceding this contract been convicted <br />of or had a civilian judgment rendered against them for commission of <br />fraud or a criminal offense in cormection with obtaining, attempting to <br />obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, of local) transaction or <br />contract tinder a public hansaction; violation of Feder al or State antitrust <br />statutes or commission of embezzlement, then, Forgery, bribery, <br />liaznrd Mitigation Pngc 28 PGMA-DR-1490-0005 Ornnge CounTy <br />Grant Agreement <br />