Orange County NC Website
a~ <br />D-4 <br />appzova] trust be approved in writing by the AGENCY/GRANTEE <br />prior to the RECIPIENI/ SUBGRANTEE.'s submission of a <br />closeout package Any closeout package received prior to the <br />written approval of said aniendment is considered void ab ink <br />and is not considered a closeout package for the proposes of <br />eligibility or potential penalty issues related to closeout <br />10 Submission of inaccurate infozmation by the RECIPIENT/ <br />SUBGRANIEE in monitoring report responses; audit oz audit <br />finding responses; quarterly, closeout, program income, oz other <br />repozts; oz Requests for Fwtds that result in subsequent official <br />AGENCY/GRANTEE action based on that inaccurate infozmation <br />(such as the granting of admirusnative or fnal closeout status, <br />releasing fiords, oz clearing findings) may at the option of the <br />AGENCY/ GRANTEE, subject the RE.CIPIE.NT/SiJBGRANTEE <br />to revocation of the official AGENCY/GRANTEE action(s) <br />predicated on that tepozi or submission, (e g , revocation of closeout <br />status, audit clearance, monitoring report clearance, eta) <br />(e) Where applicable, it will comply with: <br />(1) Contract Work Hotus and Safety Standards Act of 19C>2, 40 <br />U S.C 327 et seq ,requiring that mechanics and laborers (including <br />watchmen and guards) employed on fedezally assisted contracts be <br />paid wages of not less than one acrd one-half times their basic wage <br />rates for all hours worked in excess of forty hotus in a work week; <br />and <br />(2) Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U S C Section 201 et seq , <br />zquiring that coveted employees be paid at least dze minimum <br />prescribed wage, and also that they be paid one and one-half times <br />tlzeiz basic wage rates for all houus worked in excess of the <br />prescribed work-week <br />(3) Davis-Bacon Act, 40 U S C §276a of sec <br />(4) National Enviromnenta] Policy Act of 1969, 42CJ 5 C.. §4321; et.. <br />seq ; E0115154; E0119S8; Coastal Zone ManagemenC Act of <br />1972, 16LJ S C §1451 et seq.; Section 176(c) of the Clean Aiz Act <br />of 1955, 42IJ S C §7401 et seq ;Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, <br />42U S.C §.300f et seq.; Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16iI S C <br />§1532 et seq; <br />tiaz¢rd 14fitig:LLion Page 25 PCMA-DR-1490-0005 Orange County <br />Grant Agreement <br />