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a~ <br />D-2 <br />The AGENCY/GRANTEE shall review the RECIPIENT/ <br />SUBGRANIEE's performance periodically to deterniine whether <br />the RECIPIENT/StIBGRANTEE has substantially completed its <br />program as described in the approved Application and this <br />Agreement 'Training and technical assistance shall be provided by <br />the AGENCY/GRANTEE, within limits of staff time and budget, <br />upon written request by the RECIPIENT/SLTBGRANTEE and/or <br />upon a determination by the AGENCY/GRANTEE. of RECLPIE.NT/ <br />SUBGRANTEE need <br />TheRECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE shall allow the AGENCY/ <br />GRANTEE to carry out monitorhrg, evaluation, and technical <br />assistance and shall assure the cooperation of its employees, sub- <br />1tL^CII'IENI/STJBGRANTEES and subcontractors druing such <br />activities <br />lrr the event that the AGENCY/GRANTEE suspends funding <br />pursuant to the provision of this Agreement, said suspension shall <br />take effect as of the receipt of the notice of said suspension by the <br />RECIPIENT/ST.TBGRANTL^E Any requests for pa}nneut for which <br />the AGENCY/GRANIEE has not yet disbrirsed payment shall be <br />suUject to said suspension <br />4 Should the RECIPIENTISUBGRANIEE fail to enforce the <br />provisions of any promissary note, mortgage, security agreement, or <br />other obligation specified in any Participating Party Agreement or <br />in written contract with a beneficiary, contractoz, agent, or sub- <br />RECIPIENT/ SUI3GRANIEE who received payment or benefit <br />from funds disbrused under this Agreement, the AGENCY/ <br />GRANTEE may, with thirty days (30) written notice to the <br />RECIPIENT/SLTI3GRANTEE, automatically substitute itself for the <br />RECIlIENT/SUI3GRANTEE in said Participating Party Agreement <br />or written contract for the purpose of enforcing said Pazticipating <br />Party Ageement or written contract and may, at its discretion, <br />continue to administer said Participating Party Agreement or <br />written contract <br />Aazard Mitigation Page 23 RLMA-llR-1490-0005 Orange CounTy <br />Grant Agreement <br />