Orange County NC Website
/~ <br />(c) These records shall be available at all reasonable times for inspectiar, <br />review, or audit by the N C State Auditor azrd other persomrel duly <br />authorized by the AGENCY/GRANTEE "Reasonable" shall be construed <br />according to circumstances, but ordinarily shall mean normal business <br />hours of 8:00 a m to 5:00 p m., Eastern Standard Iime, Monday through <br />Friday <br />(d) The RECIPIENT/SLJBC,ILANTL•Eshah also provide Hie AGENCY/ <br />GRANTEE with the records, reports or financial statements upon request <br />for the purposes of auditing and monitoring the funds awarded utulet this <br />Agreement. <br />(e) The RECIPIENT/SIJBGRANTEE shall provide the AGENCY/ GRANIEE <br />and the O££tce of the State Auditor with au annual financial audit report <br />The annual financial audit report shall include all management <br />letters and the RECIPIENT/SLTBGRANTEL^'s response to all <br />findings, including corrective actions to be taken <br />(f) hr the event the audit shows that the entire funds disbursed hereunder, or <br />any portion thereof, were not spent in accordaz~ce with the conditions of this <br />Agreement, the RECIPIENI/ SUBGRANTEE shall be held liaUle for <br />reimbursement to the AGENCY/GRANTEE of all funds not spent in <br />accordance with these applicable regulations and Agreement provisions <br />within thirty (30) days after the AGENCY/GRANTEE has notified the <br />RECIPIENT/SLIB(rRANTEE of such non-compliance <br />(g) the RECIlIENT/SUBGRANIEE. shall retain all financial records, <br />supporthrg docmuents, statistical records, and any other documents <br />pertinent to this contract for a period of three years after the date of <br />suUmission of the final expeudihues report Howevez, if litigation or arr <br />audit lras been initiated prior to the expiration of the tluee-year period, the <br />records shall be retained until the litigation or audit findings have been <br />resolved <br />(15) SUBCONTRACTS <br />(a) If the RECIlIENT/SLTBGRANIEE subcontracts any or all of the work <br />required under this Agreement, the RECIPIENT/ SIIBGRANIEE agrees to <br />include in the subcontract that the subcontractor is bound by the terms and <br />conditions of this Agreement with the AGENCYIGRANIEE. <br />(b) The RECIPIENT/SLTBGRANTEE agrees to include in the subcontract tlrat <br />the subcontractor shall hold the AGENCY/ GRANTEE and RECIPIENT/ <br />SLTBGRANTEE harmless against all claims of whatever Hahne arising out <br />rtaznrd britigation Page 12 FI;MA-llR-r4')0-0005 Orange County <br />Grant Agt cement <br />