Orange County NC Website
13 <br />and specifying the effective date thereof, at least one (1) day before the <br />effective date of termination Cause shall include, but not be limited to, <br />misrepresentation in the grant application, misuse of fiords; fraud; lack of <br />compliance with applicable rules, laws and regulations; failure to perform in <br />a timely mamier, and refitsal by khe RECIPIENT/SLIBGRANIEE to permit <br />public access to any document, paper, letter, or other material subject to <br />disclosure rmder N C General Statutes <br />(d) Suspension or temtination constihrtes final AGENCY/GRANTEE action <br />Notification of suspension or temrination shall include notice of <br />administrative hearing rights and time frames <br />(e) The RECIPIENT/STIBGRANTEE shall return tiurds to the AGENCY/ <br />GRANTEE if found in non-cotnpliurce with laws, rules, regulations <br />governing the use of the fiords or this Agreement <br />(f) Notwithstanding the above, the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE shall not be <br />relieved of liability to the AGENCY/GRANTEE by virtue of any breach of <br />Agreement by the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE The AGENCY/ <br />GRANTEE may, to the extent authorized by law, withhold any payments to <br />the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE for purpose of set-off until such time as <br />the exact amount of damages due the AGENCY/GRANTEE from the <br />RECIPIENT/ SUBGRANTEE is determined <br />(L) NOTICE AND CONTACT <br />(a) All notices provided tinder or pursuant to this Agreement shall Ue in <br />writing, first class, certified mail, retuun receipt requested, to the <br />representative identified below and said notification attached to the original <br />of this Agreement <br />(b) the Warne and address of the AGENCY/GRANTEE contract manager for <br />this Agreement is: <br />JohD Crer <br />IIazard NIitigatiou SectioD Chief <br />Department of Crime Control & Public Safety <br />Division of Emergency Management <br />Disaster Recovery Operations Center <br />1830-B Tillery Place <br />Raleigh, NC 27604 <br />(c) The name and address of flee Representative of the RECIPIENT/ <br />SLTBGRANTEE (Designated Agent) responsible for the adminishation of <br />this Agreement is: <br />Hazard Mltigatton Pngc 9 BLMA-DR-1490-0005 Orange County <br />Grant Agreement <br />