Orange County NC Website
,1, - , ' - • •:.,;?,e.L:, ;. <br /> -7'14%4 <br /> 0 12 <br /> October 5, 1982 <br /> Buck Mountain Development Company <br /> do M . Fred Hazard, Agent <br /> 910 Airport Road <br /> Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 <br /> Dear Mr. Hazard; <br /> On September 7, 198 2 the Orange County Board of <br /> Commissioners considered your request for a Class A special use <br /> permit for a general aviation airport. The Board approved the <br /> application finding that the applicant had met its burden of <br /> establishing by competent, material and substantial evidence the <br /> existence of the facts and conditions which the County Zoning <br /> Ordinance requires for approval of a general aviation airport provided <br /> that the special conditions contained in this letter and which will <br /> become part of the special use permit are met by the applicant. In <br /> summary, the evidence supporting the action taken by the Hoard on <br /> this application is as follows: <br /> I. Special use permit sought for property located in <br /> Bingham Township off Highway 54 West. The property and surrounding <br /> area is in the agricultural-residential land use category. A rural <br /> neighborhood activity node (BH-1) is within one quarter mile of the <br /> sight. The land use plan does not address directly the appropriate <br /> location for an airport. The Orange County Airport Feasibility Study <br /> evaluates this proposed airport sight along with a large number of <br /> other potential sites., The site proposed in this applicatien compares <br /> well tO other sites identified in this study according to the evaluation <br /> criteria set forth in the study. The site is away from current or <br /> proposed residential development, close to Chapel Hill/Carrboro and <br /> has g()o, d access along Highway 54. It has disadvantages in that it is <br /> located within one mile of the proposed Cane Creek Watershed. <br /> Evidence at the hearing of development pressure which could <br /> accompany the development of this airport is seen as a negative <br /> factor in this agricultural-residential region. 4 <br /> 2. Article 5 and Article 6 of the Zoning Ordinance provide <br /> dimensional requirements and the application of dimensional <br /> requir4iments. Evidence presented at the public hearing indicates these <br /> requirements have been met. <br /> 3. The Orange County Health Department has approved an <br /> area for septic tank installation near phase I of the development. <br /> Phases II and III are to be serviced through the central disposal system <br />