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" ■ 300'N Tryon Street <br /> 4 r . <br /> Hillsborougn C 27278 <br /> 732-9351 ext 305 <br /> ."" <br /> HEALTH DEPARTMENT <br /> rtril ine 88-1501 <br /> MeDane,ine 227.2032 <br /> • _ Ournam line F.38-7333 <br /> MEMORANDUM Carr MW Mall Stifle 225 <br /> 100 N Greensboro Street <br /> Carrtroro, <br /> TO: Attendees of Animal Cruelty Investigation Meeting 942416N C 2750 8 <br /> FROM: Jerry Robinson Jerry POD1nSOn M.P <br /> Director <br /> DATE: December. 30, 1981 <br /> The material below was assembled and distributed as background information for <br /> out luncheon meeting at the Caolina Inn on January 7, 1982. The material was <br /> taken from two Institute of Government publications which were authored by <br /> Attorney Patrike Solberg.* <br /> NOTE: If the reader wishes to immediately be informed about appointment of <br /> animal cruelty investigators, turn to page 4, paragraph 2. <br /> ----- <br /> Animal Abuse <br /> riminal Law, "It is never lawful for a man to take pleasure <br /> directly in the p-arn-given to brutes, because in doing so, man <br /> degrades and brutalizes his own nature." 1 In 1641, the Massachu- <br /> __ setts Bay Colony enacted the first animal protection law; during <br /> the 1800s nearly every state followed the Massachusetts lead.2 <br /> North Carolina's law was enacted in 1881.° <br /> G.S. § 14-360 provides that it is a misdemeanor punishable <br /> by a $500 fine or six months in prison for any person to "willfully <br /> overdrive, overload, wound, injure, torture, torment, deprive <br /> of necessary sustenance, cruelly beat, needlessly mutilate or <br /> kill" any "useful" living creature. It does not, however, prohibit <br /> shooting-"game" for human food. It is important that only "willful" <br /> actions are prohibited. In defining "willful," the North Carolina <br /> Supreine Court stated that the term "implies doing the act purposely <br /> and d4liberately,, indicating a purpose to do it without authority-- <br /> careless whether he has tie right or not . . . without just 9use, <br /> excuse or justification." Thus in one North Carolina case, <br /> the defendant shot a dog that belonged to another person because <br /> it had previously roamed around the place where the defendant <br /> worked and had once burst in the front door and made the place <br /> smell foul. The defendant was convicted I animal abuse because <br /> the dog's actions did not justify killing it. Note that the defendant <br /> did not torture the dog--he killed-it without just cause. <br /> In another case,7 the defendant killed someachickens <br /> because they would not stay out of his pea patch. He argued <br /> that the killing was not willful because it was done in a fit of <br /> angeri The court rejected this argument: "Since the enactment <br /> of thi4 statute it has been unlawful in this state for a man to <br />