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I. 4 <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> 2. = ^ ^ <br /> 3. <br /> 4~ <br /> was in the process of beginning to plan for the industrial develop- <br /> 5. " <br /> ment of Cheeks Township, particularly the corridor along U.S. 70- <br /> 6° - ' <br /> [ 85 Planning Board feels that the County can protect the McGowan <br /> ?° and Seven Mile Creek watersheds by being selective with regard to the <br /> 8. ~ <br /> industries allowed to locate there. But industrial development brings <br /> 9^ other types of development, private homes to house the people who <br /> IO° run the industries. Dr. IrOin satd that contamination from sewage, <br /> 11. given the poor soil in the County, was more likely to occur than con- <br /> 12. _ <br /> tamihat1nn from chemicals. Additionally, both industry and individ- <br /> %3° uals would need adequate supplies of potable water. <br /> 14° There was a consensus among the Board members to consider the <br /> I5° watershads individually rather than as a complete package. The Board <br /> I6° is on record as opposing the extension of sewers into University Lake <br /> 17. <br /> watershed. <br /> ' <br /> I8° Commissioner Whitted said that if industrial development was <br /> 19° allowed in the watersheds he felt that the water quality would already <br /> 20. be compromised and that there would then be no need to impose minimum <br /> 21° lnt sizes on private housing. On the other hand, Commissioner Whitted <br /> 22. added,added if industrial development is not permitted in the watersheds <br /> 23. then place limits on the minimum lot ;sizes for housing to protect an <br /> 24, unuompromised water supply- Commissioner Whitted said different <br /> 25^ criteria may need to be applied to each watershed.26. Commissioner Lloyd said that he felt "progress" had been made <br /> 27" and that "harmony" had been established "whereupon zoning might be <br /> 28. extended County-wide" but that the imposition of the five acre minimum <br /> 29° <br /> lot size would create "one helluva fight. " He added that this requira- <br /> 38. meot would be "ridiculous" and that "storm water management requirements" <br /> 3I. are "impractical for an individual homeowner" to meet. Commissioner <br /> 32° Lluyd said he couldn 't support the Minimum five acre lot size unless <br /> 33" the Health Department determined the soil wouldn 't perk. <br /> 314. Commissioner Willhoit suggested that the Board proceed to re- <br /> ]s° ' <br /> schedule this question Commissioner Whitted asked that it be rescheduled <br /> 36° fnr May 23rd, the regular fourth Monday meeting. <br /> Commissioner Marshall suggested that the Chair communicate with <br /> 3?. <br /> 38, the Mayors of the municipalities of the County and inform them that <br /> 39° this question was scheduled on the 23rd. <br />