Orange County NC Website
<br />treatment shall be information which: (i) as of the date of disclosure and/or delivery, is already <br />known to the pazty receiving such information; (ii) is or becomes part of the public domain, <br />through no fault of the receiving party; (iii) is lawfully disclosed to the receiving paty by a third <br />paty who is not obligated to retain such information in confidence; or (iv) is independently <br />developed at the receiving pazty by someone not privy to the confidential information <br />XII. SUBCONTRACTING AND SUBGRANTING <br />If the Sub-grantee subconhacts or subgran[s any or all purchases requued under this Agreement, <br />Sub-grantee agrees to include in the subcontract or subgrant that the subconhactor/subgrantee is <br />bound by the terms and conditions of this MOA Sub-grantee agrees to include in the <br />subcontracUsubgrant that the subcontractor7subgrantee shall hold the Grantee harmless against <br />all claims of whatever nature azising out of the subcontractor's performance of work under this <br />MOA, to the extent allowed and required by law If Sub-grantee subcontracts/subgrants, a copy <br />of the executed subcontractlsubgrant agreement must be forwarded to the Grantee and approval <br />granted prior to the execution of said subcontracUsubgant Conhactual arrangement shall in no <br />way reheve Sub-grantee of its responsibilifies to ensure that all funds issued pursuant to this <br />grant be administered in accordance with all state and federal requirements. Sub-grantee is <br />bound by the terms, conditions and restrictions of the applicable USDHS, SLGCP, ODP, <br />Homeland Security and Office of Domestic Prepazedness Program Guidelines and Application <br />Kits referenced herein. <br />XIII. COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW <br />Sub-grantee shall be wholly responsible for the purchases to be made under this MOA and for <br />the supervision of"its employees and assistants Sub-grantee shall be responsible for compliance <br />with all laws, ordinances, codes, rules, regulations, licensing requirements and other regulatory <br />matters that aze applicable to the conduct of its business and pruchase requirements performed <br />under this MOA, including those of federal requirements and ,State, and local agencies having <br />appropriatejurisdiction and found in applicable iISDOl, OJP, ODP Program Guidelines and <br />Application Kits <br />XIV. WARRANTY <br />Sub-grantee shall hold the Grantee hazmless for any liability and persona] injury Chat may occur <br />from or in connection with the performance of this MOA to the extent permitted by the North <br />Carolina Tort Claims Act. <br />XV. ANTITRUST LAWS <br />This Agreement is entered into in compliance with all State and Federal antitrust laws <br />Page 5 of 11 <br />