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23 <br /> 1 desire to study the parcels properly and meet the request of the BOCC to collaborate and be <br /> 2 creative. <br /> 3 Commissioner Burroughs said she is in support of this extension. <br /> 4 Commissioner Rich asked if applications are still going to be accepted whenever, and <br /> 5 what will happen while waiting on the other applications in June. <br /> 6 Travis Myren said yes, and this will follow the timeline in Attachment 1. He said staff <br /> 7 and stakeholders will evaluate proposals that come in on March 31st, and no time will be lost on <br /> 8 the bond fund portion of this two-phased approach. <br /> 9 Commissioner Rich asked if there is a plan for the second phase. <br /> 10 Travis Myren said it would be the same process as the first. <br /> 11 Commissioner Rich asked if money will be held back. <br /> 12 Travis Myren said staff will have to discuss what, if any, amount gets held back with the <br /> 13 BOCC when it makes recommendations about the bond funding. <br /> 14 Commissioner Jacobs referred to the idea of holding money back, and asked if this is <br /> 15 $2.5 million. <br /> 16 Travis Myren said the Board may choose not to award the entire $2.5 million in June. <br /> 17 Commissioner Jacobs said he would like to have a conversation about a long-term <br /> 18 strategy for the other $2.5 million, since there will probably not be another affordable housing <br /> 19 bond any time soon. He said there is not a lot of leeway in the operating budget, and there will <br /> 20 be a desire to do more projects, but the County must not run out of money. <br /> 21 Commissioner Marcoplos said he agreed with Commissioner Jacobs, and he said there <br /> 22 was a well-attended presentation about a project that saved a trailer park in Charlottesville, VA. <br /> 23 He said he would like to talk about such an idea here, as well as other creative ideas. <br /> 24 Commissioner Price asked if a decision has been reached about a limit per applicant for <br /> 25 bond funds. <br /> 26 Travis Myren said the only limitation that currently exists is that only $2.5 million will be <br /> 27 allocated during the first draw. He said there is no limit on how much an applicant can request. <br /> 28 Chair Dorosin said he is not in favor of setting aside a pot of money since it suggested <br /> 29 that projects can be scored apart from each other. He said the highest scoring project in pile <br /> 30 two, may be the lowest scoring project in pile one. He said he would be in favor of being more <br /> 31 flexible in this area, and he said there is other money put aside for affordable housing, and land <br /> 32 could be given away as a way to subsidize. He said he would not want to do anything that <br /> 33 constrains projects. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 A motion was made by Commissioner Burroughs, seconded by Commissioner Price for <br /> 36 the Board to extend the timeline for RFP#5229 for 60 more days and adopt the revised timeline <br /> 37 at Attachment 2; and reaffirm the sense of flexibility and not set aside pots of money. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Commissioner Rich asked if the plan to create a long-term strategy for additional <br /> 40 monies could be added to the motion. <br /> 41 Commissioners Burroughs and Price agreed. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 44 <br /> 45 7. Reports <br /> 46 NONE <br /> 47 <br /> 48 8. Consent Agenda <br /> 49 • Removal of Any Items from Consent Agenda <br /> 50 None <br />